- Meiselstraße 8

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Meiselstraße 8, 1150 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 1150
Website :
Categories :
City : Wien

Meiselstraße 8, 1150 Wien, Austria
Maxi W. on Google

Kurze Wartezeit, Blutabnahme ohne Komplikationen und Schmerz arm. Ist ja nur Blut!
Short waiting time, blood collection without complications and little pain. It's just blood!
Alina Holuj on Google

Bin sehr zufrieden! Ich war heute für eine Blutabnahme dort, kurz vor 7 schon offen, eine Dame hat mit Nummern drucken geholfen. Ist auch sehr schnell gegangen. Ja, ich musste ein bisschen warten, aber bitte insgesamt (wartezeit vor Registrierung, Regiestrierung, kurze wartezeit vor Blutabnahme und die Abnahme) hat das alles vielleicht 20 Min gedauert. Alle waren sehr freundlich und das Labor selbst seehr sauber, ordentlich und geräumig. Danke!
I am very pleased! I was there today for a blood sample, shortly before 7 am already open, a lady helped with printing numbers. It went very quickly too. Yes, I had to wait a bit, but please all in all (waiting time before registration, registration, short waiting time before blood sample and the sample) it all took maybe 20 minutes. Everyone was very friendly and the laboratory itself was very clean, tidy and spacious. Thank you!
Iris Weber on Google

Ich war heute kurz vorm Zusperren dort und es hat alles rasch und zügig geklappt inklusive der Neuanlage eines Profils zum elektronischen Abrufen des Befundes. Blutabnahme ohne Probleme und schon war ich wieder draußen.
I was there today shortly before the closure and everything went quickly and quickly, including the creation of a new profile for electronic retrieval of the findings. I took my blood without any problems and I was back outside.
Andrea Schmal on Google

Ich war schon 4 mal in diesem Labor. Alle sind sehr freundlich und trotz vieler Patienten kurze Wartezeiten. Bin sehr zufrieden mit dem gesamten Ablauf und den netten Angestellten !!
I've been to this lab 4 times. Everyone is very friendly and despite the large number of patients, the waiting times are short. I am very satisfied with the entire process and the nice employees!
Andrei Alexandru Matei on Google

Very nice staff and rapid execution.
Diego Camargo on Google

My blood tests were performed in time and correctly. However I had to pay for them even though I'm registered with the WGKK because a paper was missing. They told me to bring a paper that described what I had to get with a stamp from AKH. So that I could get my money back. I just did so and they told me that the papers were wrong and that they need a different one. Please consider other people's time and enable your employees to have the same knowledge/information
Devoney on Google

The staff is very very nice and the lab is very clean and modern.
Sally Sturmzeit on Google

As always, super slow. I don't understand why if they have 5 cabinets, only 2 are working, and from these two one is mega slow so in reality only one is doing its job. In the morning it's get really crowded in here, if they see that they are overly full, they should at least open 3 cabinets.

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