Königsjodler Klettersteig

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Königsjodler Klettersteig

Address :

Gemeinde, Dienten am Hochkönig, Austria

Website : https://www.via-ferrata.de/klettersteige/topo/klettersteig-koenigsjodler
Categories :
City : Dienten am Hochkönig

Gemeinde, Dienten am Hochkönig, Austria
Bernhard Pichler on Google

Der Steig selbst hat eher wenige schwere Stellen, jedoch darf man die Länge nicht unterschätzen gute Körperliche Voraussetzungen und 2L Trinkwasser sind ein muss
The climb itself has rather few hard spots, but one must not underestimate the length of good physical conditions and 2L drinking water are a must
Marc Kreinacker on Google

Großartiger Klettersteig! Bestens abgesichert. Lange Tour für erfahrene Kletterer.
Great via ferrata! Well secured. Long tour for experienced climbers.
Stefan John on Google

Wahnsinnig toller klettersteig. Bitte niemals unterschätzen. Ich bin ein erfahrener klettersteigler, musste mich aber leider mit Krämpfen in armen und Beinen aus der senkrechten wand des kametstein von der Bergwacht aufliegen lassen.
Insanely great via ferrata. Please never underestimate. I am an experienced climber, but unfortunately had to let the mountain rescue service lay me down with cramps in my arms and legs from the vertical wall of the Kametstein.
Bienenmutti B on Google

Der Steig ist wahnsinnig schön, spektakulär, lang, fordernd. Das bisheriges Highlight in unserer Kletterkarriere ? Nur bei gutem Wetter begehbar, sonst wird's gefährlich.
The climb is incredibly beautiful, spectacular, long, demanding. The previous highlight in our climbing career ? Only accessible in good weather, otherwise it will be dangerous.
Michał Nowak on Google

Warto! Bardzo warto! Parking na dole bezpłatny, do przełęczy jest kawałek ale bez problemu da się podejść. Jest kawałek deptania ale nie ma tragedii. Szlak bardzo jasno oznaczony. Bez problemu do odnalezienia - mapa nie jest konieczna. Boczne odejście od ferraty kiepsko oznaczone i w średnio ciekawym terenie, droga prowadzi inaczej niż szlak na mapie czy GPS, bezpieczniej iść po oznaczeniu szlaku. Zabrać należy dużo wody - Ferrata jest długa. Trudności technicznych brak.
It's worth it! It's worth it! Free parking downstairs, there is a bit of a pass to the pass, but you can easily approach it. There is a bit of trampling but no tragedy. The trail is very clearly marked. No problem to find - no map necessary. The side departure from the ferrata is poorly marked and in a moderately interesting terrain, the road leads differently than the trail on the map or GPS, it is safer to follow the marked trail. Lots of water should be taken - the Ferrata is long. No technical difficulties.
Meister fux on Google

Einer meiner schwersten und längsten die ich begangen bin(3:00 Start, 09:00 Gipfel) Hut ab Mit Abstieg übers Birgkar (lange) sehr spannend bis zum Schluss! Da muss Alles perfekt passen!!! Sonst wirds sehr schnell extrem gefährlich
One of my hardest and longest I have committed (3:00 a.m. start, 9:00 a.m. summit) hats off With descent over the Birgkar (long) very exciting until the end! Everything has to fit perfectly !!! Otherwise it will be extremely dangerous very quickly
Martin Mavrov on Google

Long and hard, everything a via ferrata should be!
László Megyeri on Google

Well built klettersteig. Lots of fun and extraiordinary scenery. A long ride only for experienced adventurers. You can descend down in the nearby couloir, or stay a night at Matrashaus at the top. Better to fly down if you have a wing. From parking lot to the top you will gain 1800m height sum. It can take 6-7hours if you don't rest too much. You can go below 6 hours if you are in a hurry.

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