G.Englmayer,Spedition GmbH

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact G.Englmayer,Spedition GmbH

Address :

Gewerbepark 3, 8142 Wundschuh, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://www.englmayer.net/
Categories :
City : Wundschuh

Gewerbepark 3, 8142 Wundschuh, Austria
Milos Laudanovic on Google

Efikasni i ljubazni...čista petica...moguće se istuširati ako čovek ima vremena.
Effective and kind ... a clean five ... it is possible to take a shower if one has time.
Eskar on Google

Arbeite jetzt fast 2 Jahre dort und fühle mich dort wohl, coole Lagerarbeiter und im Büro auch.
I've been working there for almost 2 years now and I feel good there, cool warehouse workers and in the office too.
Mystic Violet on Google

zusteller schmeißt paket einfach mitten auf die verkaufsfläche und lässt es dort liegen, außerdem ist auf allen seiten "bitte nicht werfen" oben gestanden, der inhalt wurde dadurch beschädigt. NIE MEHR WIEDER!
Deliverer simply throws the parcel into the middle of the sales area and leaves it there. In addition, "please don't throw" was on the top of all pages, the contents were damaged as a result. NEVER AGAIN!
Stelian Puscasu on Google

zher gute firma
very good company
Dejan on Google

? ?
zeljko jovcic on Google

Uglavnom sam dolazio jako rano ujutro na istovar.Nisam imao problema nikada.Prijavite se u ofice ili radnicima u magacinu.Oni vam kazu br rampe i to je to.Otprilike za 1h.,nekada i pre budete gotovi.Wc i tuš nisam vidio da imaju.
Mostly I came very early in the morning to unload. I never had a problem. Check in at the offices or workers in the warehouse. They tell you the number of the ramp and that's it. In about 1 hour, sometimes you will be done before. Toilet and shower I have not seen that they have.
Dejan Ruzicic on Google

Nemam ni sa jednom firmom gdje cesto istovaram, tako losa iskustva kao s njima, ne cjene uopste vas trud, vase radno vrijeme, cak to iskoriste da ne bi otisli parkirati prije isteka vasih arbajta i polako pocnu istovarati kada osjete da cete otici sa robom, pa razvuku 8m2, desetak paleta na 50 minuta. Jednostavno bezobrazluk i nista drugo i zato da mogu dao bih im nula zvjezdica. Moja zarada ne pokriva kaznu koju me oni tjeraju da pravim, kako nazvati takve ljude...
I don't have with any company where I often unload, such bad experiences as with them, they don't appreciate your effort at all, your working hours, they even use it so that they don't go to park before your arbytes expire and slowly start unloading when they feel you are leaving with goods, so stretch 8m2, a dozen pallets in 50 minutes. Simply rude and nothing else and so that I could give them zero stars. My earnings do not cover the punishment they force me to do, how to call such people ...
Srdjan on Google

Englmayer gmbh

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