Ankogel summit

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ankogel summit

Address :

9822 Mallnitz, Austria

Categories :
City : Mallnitz

9822 Mallnitz, Austria
Michal Votápka on Google

Krásný a jednoduše zdolatelný vrchol. Ankogel (3.250 m), po kterém se celý ten masiv jmenuje, podle UIAA je to klasifikované jako 2, což znamená, že si užijete spousty legrace, hlavně v posledních metrech. ;-) Ankogel je údajně první ledovcový vrchol zdolaný v Evropě. My jsme šli přes ledovec Kleinlendkees (který se rapidně zmenšuje), na něm se nachází trhliny, takže ledovcové vybavení sebou. Pohodlná cesta na vrchol a zpět nám trvala 10 hodin.
A beautiful and simply hardy summit. Ankogel (3,250 m), after which the whole massif is named, according to UIAA it is classified as 2, which means that you enjoy plenty of fun, especially in the last meters. ;-) Ankogel is supposed to be the first glacier peak in Europe. We went through the Kleinlendkees Glacier (which is rapidly shrinking) with cracks on it, so glacier equipment with it. A comfortable walk to the top and back took us 10 hours.
Stefan Hill on Google

Supper Wanderung, Dauer hin und retour 5 1/2 Stunden vom Lift. Gipfel ist leicht ausgesetzt absolute Tritt und Schwindelfreiheit sind ein muss.
Great hike, duration there and back 5 1/2 hours from the lift. The summit is easily exposed to absolute step and a head for heights are a must.
Paweł Pok on Google

Kilkanaście minut spacerkiem od Mallnitz znajduje się Ankogel, pierwszy ze szczytów, na które postanowiliśmy wjechać kolejką. Za bilet oczywiście nie płaciliśmy, gdyż mieliśmy już Kartę Karyncką. Ze szczytu, na wysokości 3252 m n.p.m. roztacza się wspaniała panorama Alp oraz widok na dolinę, w której położone jest Mallnitz.
A dozen minutes walk from Mallnitz is Ankogel, the first of the peaks to which we decided to take the cable car. Of course, we didn't pay for the ticket, because we already had a Carinthian Card. From the summit, at an altitude of 3252 m a.s.l. Featuring stunning panoramic views of the Alps and the view of the valley, which is located in Mallnitz.
Daniel Sebastian on Google

Einfach Wow! Von der Osnabrückerhütte über das Kleinelendkees auf den Ankogel. Geniale Tour durch die Berge der hohen Tauern mit wunderschönen Ausblicken auf die umliegenden 3000er. Am Grat zum Gipfel etwas ausgesetzt aber gut zu gehen.
Just wow! From the Osnabrückerhütte over the Kleinelendkees to the Ankogel. Ingenious tour through the mountains of the Hohe Tauern with wonderful views of the surrounding 3000m. A bit exposed on the ridge to the summit but easy to walk.
Joanna Bak on Google

Praktycznie koniec sezonu a trasy dobrze przygotowane, bardzo mało ludzi
Virtually the end of the season and the routes are well prepared, very few people
Primož Auersperger on Google

Beautiful view.
Tin Brajković on Google

Beautiful mountain in Austrian Alps. We were in the summit while snow was falling what added extra touch.
Dalibor Pačić on Google

We took the gondola on our way down, up we hiked all the way to the summit. Conditions were optimal. Views were awesome. This was my first summit above 3.000m. It was a great experience. Not so difficult to climb, just a one we needed. Recommended for sure.

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