Wirtshaus zum Rehkitz

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Wirtshaus zum Rehkitz

Address :

Am Rehbühel 30, 6370 Kitzbühel, Austria

Phone : 📞 +
Website : https://www.rehkitz.at/
Categories :
City : Kitzbühel

Am Rehbühel 30, 6370 Kitzbühel, Austria
Martin Hohenstein on Google

Dass man am Sonnberg den Deppen-Zuschlag zahlen darf, war mir klar....dann wäre es zumindest meines Erachtens nach erstrebenswert, als Gast willkommen geheißen zu werden und nicht das Gefühl zu haben, zu stören! (Oba dei Göd meggst scho do lossn!!) .) Kellner nuschelte so, dass es mir unklar war, was er wirklich wollte.... .) Mehr als 5 unterschiedliche Hauptspeisen waren nicht möglich ("Küche ist sonst überfordert")...wir waren aber 12 Personen! .) Nach 30 min. Wartezeit wurde auf Nachfrage gebeichtet: Kaffeemaschine ist seit Stunden überhitzt, das wird heute nix mehr... Für mich ein 4er im Kundendienst.... ABER: Ente: kleines, fleischiges, knusprigen Enterl mit delikatem Rotkraut und flaumigem Erdäpfelknödel. 1A Kalbsrahmgulasch mit Nockerl 1A Marillen Palatschinken...sehr gut...aber preislich an der Obergrenze.... Zusammenfassung: Essen sehr gut, das nächste Mal fahr ich aber wieder weiter raus am Sonnberg und geh zu Rosi....Sie führt ein GAST-Haus, wo der Gast willkommen ist...Rehkitz ist eher ein WIRT-Haus...
It was clear to me that you can pay the idiot surcharge on the Sonnberg ... then at least in my opinion it would be worthwhile to be welcomed as a guest and not to have the feeling of being disturbed! (Oba dei Göd meggst scho do lossn !!) .) The waiter mumbled so that it was unclear to me what he really wanted ... .) More than 5 different main courses were not possible ("kitchen is otherwise overwhelmed") ... but we were 12 people! .) After 30 minutes of waiting, the following was confessed on request: Coffee machine has been overheating for hours, nothing more today ... For me a 4 in customer service .... BUT: Duck: small, meaty, crispy enterl with delicate red cabbage and fluffy potato dumplings. 1A Veal cream goulash with dumplings 1A Apricot pancakes ... very good ... but priced at the upper limit .... Summary: The food is very good, but the next time I'll go further out on the Sonnberg and go to Rosi ... She runs a GUEST house where the guest is welcome ... Rehkitz is more of a WIRT house ...
Nicole Fa on Google

Wir sind durch Zufall auf dieses Wirtshaus gestoßen. Toller Zufall, weil es wirklich super lecker war. Das Personal war sehr freundlich und hat uns auch Empfehlungen gegeben, welche absolut leeeeecker waren! Es gibt eine tolle Auswahl an Speisen. Es ist nicht günstig aber jeden Euro ? wert! Wir haben sehr schön gesessen. Alles war sauber und ordentlich. Hunde sind willkommen.
We came across this inn by chance. Great coincidence because it was really delicious. The staff was very friendly and gave us recommendations, which were absolutely leeeeecker! There is a great variety of food. It's not cheap but worth every euro! We sat very nicely. Everything was clean and tidy. Dogs are welcome.
Nyasha Nigel Kapswarah on Google

Great food, great service
Christopher von den Hoff on Google

Very pricey restaurant. The service was good and so was the food but there are many other places in Kitzbühel with better value for money.
Jay Schiffman on Google

Food is good; but, overpriced. The owner was very arrogant and acted as if he was doing us a favor. Have been there several times and finally realized this is the way it a,ways is. The last time is the last time. Better restaurants with far better service and more easily accessible, to be found in the area. Would not recommend!
Andrea Giddey on Google

Very nice athmosphere, relaxed, very friendly service - food was delicious, duck is absolutely top.
Abbie Senn on Google

Great food but pricey compared to other ones!
Carmen Lazos Wilmking on Google

Food is traditional and very nicely prepared. I had an amazing Petersilienwurzel cream. All staff was very kind and attentive and the rooms are very cozy. Also kid friendly.

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