Sonnleitner 100% Auto Leonding

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sonnleitner 100% Auto Leonding

Welser Str. 54, 4060 Leonding, Austria
Herbert Schumertl on Google

Meiner Meinung kann man derzeit nichts verbessern ,es wäre für mich höchstens ein Läuse suchen und man würde ein gutes System und das Klima zum Kunden verschlechtern. Man bekommt in jeder Abteilung sofort eine sachliche Auskunft die auch ein Laie versteht. Es sollte meiner Meinung nicht mit Gewalt etwas was gut läuft verändert werden. Dies sagt ein Kunde, der über 30 Jahre beruflich und Privatkunde ist.
In my opinion, nothing can be improved at the moment, it would only be looking for a lice for me and you would worsen a good system and the climate for the customer. Man immediately receives factual information in every department that even a layman can understand. In my opinion, something that is going well should not be changed by force. This is what a customer who has been a professional and private customer for over 30 years says.
Martin Plöckinger on Google

Radu EuRo on Google

Nice, super
Georg Semenoff on Google

József Szunyog on Google

Ion Milos on Google

Stanoja Stankovic on Google

Herr Gerhard Fuchs ? the best ?
Shelia Reiter on Google

If you are looking for a economical car..this is not the place... They have great cars...but mostly newer and very pricey, even their used cars... That's not a bad thing, but not every can afford a used car costing as much as a new one... I think customers want good a car used or new moderately priced or at least with better leasing deals.. The salesmen are not flexible and most times not present... If you should find that 1 and he is pleasant, get his card... I feel as if they profile you at the door... Money or no money... Just my feeling...

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