Post Offices and BAWAG P.S.K.

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Post Offices and BAWAG P.S.K.

Address :

Residenzpl. 9, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Categories :
City : Salzburg

Residenzpl. 9, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Peyman Vahpei (Xxx) on Google

Da freut es keinen zum Arbeiten. Wenn vor dir ein unhöflicher Kunde war bekommt man das als nächster Kunde zu spüren. Das Leute von der anderen Seite sich einreihen ist auch egal.
Nobody is happy to work there. If you were a rude customer in front of you, you will feel it as the next customer. It doesn't matter that people from the other side line up.
Peter Wurm on Google

Der Filialleiter ist sehr aufdringlich im Verkauf von zusätzlichen Diensten (zB Stromanbietervergleich); seine Mitarbeiter sind auch nicht sonderlich freundlich.
The branch manager is very pushy when it comes to selling additional services (eg comparison of electricity providers); his employees are not particularly friendly either.
Aaa Bbb on Google

Paket wurde express versendet, hat natürlich nicht funktioniert statt 24 h hat es ganze 3 Tage gedauert! Kunde schon wieder aus dem Lande. Dann wurde eine Rückholung veranlasst. Auch das ging schief. Erneuter Besuch bei der Post inzwischen ca 1 stunde Aufwand. Dann mischt sich eine neue Mitarbeiterin der Postfiliale ein Zitat: Na dann werden die falschen Empfänger halt das Paket zur Post tragen müssen, schließlich hat es ja keine Beine und kann das nicht selbst… Zum Glück konnte ich die Filiale noch verlassen ohne zum Straftäter zu werden. Diese Filiale ist um sein Herz zu schützen zu meiden ?
Package was sent express, of course it did not work instead of 24 hours it took a full 3 days! Customer again from the country. Then a retrieval was arranged. That also went wrong. Another visit to the post office now takes about 1 hour. Then a new employee at the post office mixes up a quote: Well then the wrong recipients will just have to carry the parcel to the post office, after all it has no legs and cannot do it itself ... Fortunately, I was able to leave the branch without becoming a criminal. This branch is to protect his heart to avoid ?
Journey Schwebel on Google

I bought some stamps there, it is good to remember the place that you visited
LA LI on Google

A old woman staff showed totally different attitude towards Asians and locals without any patient.
Linda Kim on Google

The worker in the post office was really nice to customers. I want an international stamp to send my mail. She explains the beautiful stamps of austria.
M S on Google

Aside from the fact that the customer before me was very rude this worker must have had a bad day and just decided to take it out on me by making me feel inept to sending packages (my first post experience since I moved here) anyways she was so rude and mean and made me feel like I was mailing contraband the whole time. Super unnecessary.
GAL1LEO on Google

It used to offer acceptable service... Then it separated from the Post AT It is now expensive, inexpensive, with few offices.

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