ÖGK Kundenservice Kinderbetreuungsgeld Wien - Österreichische Gesundheitskasse - Kagraner Pl. 1/1. OG

1.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact ÖGK Kundenservice Kinderbetreuungsgeld Wien - Österreichische Gesundheitskasse

Address :

Kagraner Pl. 1/1. OG, 1220 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 1220
Website : https://www.gesundheitskasse.at/cdscontent/%3Fcontentid%3D10007.856543
Categories :
City : Wien

Kagraner Pl. 1/1. OG, 1220 Wien, Austria
Aleš on Google

Plötzlich, nach knapp einem Jahr, wurde meiner Partnerin das KBG gestoppt und nicht weiter ausbezahlt. Auch gab es keine Mitteilung darüber. Ein paar Tage später, nachdem das KBG immer noch nicht auf dem Konto war, habe ich dort angerufen und erfahren, dass es, einfach so, stichprobenartig, gestoppt wurde, weil man schauen muss, ob noch irgendetwas ausständig ist. Ich solle mich also in 2 Wochen melden, aber vermutlich wird es bis dahin geklärt sein. Also habe ich nach 2 Wochen nochmals angerufen, warum das KBG immer noch nicht ausbezahlt wurde, und bekam die gleiche Antwort. Man müsse sich ansehen, ob noch etwas benötigt wird. D.h. in den versprochenen 2 Wochen hat sich den Fall keiner angesehen. Denen ist es einfach total egal, dass man plötzlich ohne Geld da steht. Wir sind leider auf das KBG angewiesen und können es uns nicht leisten darauf zu verzichten. Es ist eine Frechheit, wie mit Familien umgegangen wird. Vor allem verstehe ich nicht, wenn einem nach Monaten ohne Probleme, plötzlich und ohne ersichtlichen Grund, das KBG gestoppt wird, dass man nicht einmal darüber informiert wird. Man bekommt einfach kein Geld und wird hängen gelassen. Und Schuld ist natürlich keiner bzw wird niemand zur Verantwortung getragen, wenn keiner den Fall bearbeitet. Tja, wer Kinder hat, wird einfach bestraft in diesem Land. Eine Schande!
Suddenly, after almost a year, my partner's childcare allowance was stopped and no further payments were made. There was also no communication about it. A few days later, after the KBG was still not on the account, I called them and found out that it was stopped, just like that, randomly, because you have to see if anything is still outstanding. So I should get in touch in 2 weeks, but it will probably be cleared up by then. So after 2 weeks I called again why the childcare allowance was still not being paid out and got the same answer. You have to see whether something is still needed. That means nobody looked at the case in the promised 2 weeks. They just don't care that you suddenly find yourself without money. Unfortunately, we are dependent on the KBG and cannot afford to do without it. The way families are treated is a cheek. Above all, I do not understand when after months without problems, suddenly and for no apparent reason, the childcare facility is stopped, that one is not even informed about it. You just don't get any money and you get left hanging. And of course nobody is to blame, or nobody is held responsible if nobody works on the case. Well, whoever has children is simply punished in this country. A shame!
Frank Greber on Google

Leider habe ich hier 2 Mal sehr schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht. Extrem lange Bearbeitungsdauer und dann ein Bescheid über die Ablehnung. Wenn es einem nicht passt, kann man ja klagen, heißt es im Schreiben dann. Andere Krankenkassen sind viel freundlicher und schneller.
Unfortunately, I have had very bad experiences here twice. Extremely long processing time and then a notification of the rejection. If it doesn't suit you, you can complain, it says in the letter. Other health insurance companies are much friendlier and faster.
Memyselfandi on Google

Versuche bereits den ganzen Vormittag dort anzurufen. Bin insgesamt seit 2 Stunden! In der Warteschleife. Das kann doch nicht sein,sitzt da überhaupt irgendjemand? Wenn man in der Privatwirtschaft so arbeiten würde, könnte man in Konkurs gehen!
Been trying to call them all morning. I've been a total of 2 hours! In the waiting line. That can't be, is anyone sitting there? If you worked like that in the private sector, you could go bankrupt!
Jiri Puser on Google

1. Mindestens 20min Warteschleife bis jemand abhebt (Auch mehr als 1h war schon dabei) 2. Die Bearbeitungszeit ist eine Frechheit!!! Seit 2 Monaten kein Geld erhalten, da der Antrag noch in Bearbeitung ist und man nicht wisse wie lange es noch dauern würde. Hier stellt sich mir die Frage wie jemand Alleinerziehendes sich so über Wasser halten kann?!?!? Ist die Krankenkasse zu unfähig ausreichend fähige Mitarbeiter einzustellen? Hinzu kommt das kein einziger jemals in der Hotline erwähnen konnte das mein Kind und ich derzeit auch nicht versichert sind. Und das auch noch in Zeiten wie diesen!! Eine bodenlose Frechheit!!! Ich werde nun andere Schritte einleiten müssen! Die Öffentlichkeit interessiert sich sicher wie mit werdenden und gewordenen Eltern umgegangen wird, da dies zu 100% kein Einzelfall ist. 3. Falschinformationen sind eine regelmäßigkeit!!
1. At least 20 minutes of waiting until someone picks up (there was also more than 1 hour) 2. The processing time is a joke!!! Haven't received any money for 2 months because the application is still being processed and you don't know how long it would take. This raises the question for me how a single parent can keep their head above water?!?!? Is the health insurance company unable to hire sufficiently competent employees? In addition, not a single one was ever able to mention on the hotline that my child and I are currently not insured either. And even in times like these!! A bottomless cheek!!! I will now have to take other steps! The public is certainly interested in how parents-to-be and those who have become parents are dealt with, since this is 100% not an isolated case. 3. Misinformation is a regularity!!
Miyuki K on Google

Verschwendete Lebenszeit wenn man versucht euch anzurufen. Man könnte meinen, es arbeitet niemand im Kundenservice. Geld wird auch alles andere als pünktlich überwiesen. Der Betrag ist seit drei Wochen überfällig. Besser man meldet sich Arbeitslos, denn da ist sogar das AMS verlässlicher....
Wasted lifetime trying to call you. You might think nobody works in customer service. Money is also not transferred on time. The amount is overdue for three weeks. It is better to register as unemployed, because even the AMS is more reliable there....
Chai Latte on Google

Ohne mein Verschulden wurden die Zahlungen gestoppt. Daraufhin habe ich an drei unterschiedlichen Tagen versucht, jemanden telefonisch zu erreichen. Jedes Mal war mindestens 30 Minuten in der Warteschleife und habe nie wen erreicht. Länger als die Phase, wo meine Kinder schlafen, kann ich aber nicht anrufen. Dabei ginge es nur um eine einfache formale Frage... Danke für Ihre schnelle Rückmeldung auf Google, aber dass ich Mails verfassen kann, ist mir durchaus bewusst. Nur die Bearbeitungszeit ist nicht die Kürzeste und hier ginge es nur um eine formale Frage. Mir scheint, dass nicht nur die MA35 die Telefone läuten lässt, wenn dies nun der vierte Tag mit 30 Minuten in der Warteschlange war...
The payments were stopped through no fault of my own. I then tried to reach someone by phone on three different days. Each time was on hold for at least 30 minutes and never got through to anyone. But I can't call any longer than the phase when my children are asleep. It would only be a simple formal question... Thanks for your quick feedback on Google, but I'm well aware that I can compose emails. Only the processing time is not the shortest and this is only a formal question. It seems to me that it's not just the MA35 that's got the phones ringing, now that this has been the fourth day of 30 minutes in the queue...
Dragan Nikolic on Google

Their letters never arrive. Their service is appalling. They scheduled an appointment for my wife to pick up the letter personally and when she went there they said we don't know why they sent you here, there is no letter here. The worst service in Austra by far.
filipa petrovic on Google

For the purposes of personal data protection I am writing under a different name. Additionally, in order to explain myself better I have to provide the review in English. I have applied for the kinderbreuungsgeld in April 2020. Since I'm coming from abroad and working in Austria I've been asked to provide a set of documents to the OEGK, which I did, including a document/passport for my daughter. In the meantime, the corona outbreak happened and therefore was not able to get a passport for her even at the Embassy, so I turned to OEGK providing them with a document (from the Embassy) stating that due to the current situation the issuing of the passport can take up to one year. After months of waiting for their feedback I called OEGK and they said that unfortunately they cannot do anything without the passport. So, in the middle of pandemic I was obliged to travel back home in order to provide them with the desired documents (risking to be exposed to the virus myself or even worse my daughter who was 5 months old at that time). I got all the necessary documentation and sent them everything by the end of August. In October there was another email from them asking for a new batch of documents (something requested from my employer and in case I have had a c-section, provide them with a statement that I had a c-section. I repeat "in case of", but not mandatory). I had to provide these documents within 2 weeks or otherwise they would reject my application. So, I turned to my employer who luckily provided me with the document within 2 days. I sent everything to OEGK email and received an automatic reply stating that they have received my email. However, no money has been transferred on my account. I called again a month ago and the lady said that everything is fine and that I will receive my money within 2 weeks. Another month has passed since, and I received a big fat zero on my account. Today I called again and the lady said that they have never received my previous email with all the documents, for which I have a confirmation from their side that it was received at the beginning of November. By the way, unless you call them, you will never receive in writing if there is a problem with your application or if something else is required. Therefore, again I re-send the email for which I expect to wait for another 10 weeks to receive any sort of "Amin" from their side. And I am sure that once I call them again they will tell me another story like "the application needs 10 weeks to be processed". And after 10 weeks I bet that there will be another batch of documents requested. So, here I am 10 months after, and not a single euro on my account. Not to mention, that they have cut mine and my daughter's health insurance in the middle of pandemic. Cruel and totally irresponsible. I seriously have no idea how Vienna gets the winning position every year for the best city when every time I turn around the corner I see discrimination. If I can put a zero for their service and incompetency I would. I'm seriously thinking of taking this case in front of the court or the media. Enough is enough!!!!

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