Embassy of Kosovo - Goldeggasse 2/15

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Embassy of Kosovo

Address :

Goldeggasse 2/15, 1040 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 1040
Categories :
City : Wien

Goldeggasse 2/15, 1040 Wien, Austria
Bedri Gallopeni on Google

Shum korrekt edhe shum me ju permbajt ternineve Respekt ?
Very correct and very much with you the content of Respect ern terns
Lejla Bibic on Google

Musste ein Formular ausfüllen und kann leider kein Albanischen, ein Mitarbeiter hat mir freundlicherweise dabei geholfen! Sehr freundliches Personal!
Had to fill out a form and unfortunately can't speak Albanian, a member of staff kindly helped me! Very friendly staff!
Mirlind Ismaili on Google

Sehr kompetente, höfliche und hilfsbereite Mitarbeiter, Antworten gleich am Telefon wenn du anrufst, geben Richtige Inforamtionen ,sogar rufen verlässlich zurück. Also nicht wie das Serbische oder Mazedonische Botschaft in Österreich, wo niemand am telefon meldet .
Very competent, courteous and helpful staff, answers right on the phone when you call, give right information, even call back reliably. So not like the Serbian or Macedonian Embassy in Austria, where no one answers the phone.
Donlir Ejupi on Google

Sjjellja shum e keqe e Personave zyrtar, nuk e kan gajle qe i kthejn Njerzit 500 km rrug duke i ju dhan info te gabuara
Very bad behavior of officials, they do not care that they return People 500 km of road giving you wrong info
Kosovare Kosovare on Google

Un gjithmon kam pasur përvoja pozitive me ambasadën, por sot ishte katastrofike. Sekretari u sjell shum keq dhe as nuk na la të flasim e te shprehim problemin. Nga momenti kur hyrem, aj filloj me bërtit dhe në përgjithësi nuk kishte asnjë shenjë mbështetjeje për situatën tonë dhe nuk kem veq na qe i trajtoj keq por cdo person qe pat pun sot ne ket ambassad u keqtrajtu
I have always had positive experiences with the embassy, ​​but today was catastrophic. The secretary treated them very badly and did not even let us talk and express the problem. From the moment I entered, she started shouting and in general there was no sign of support for our situation and I have not been treated badly but everyone who worked in this embassy today was mistreated
Edi on Google

Sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit, wenn sie dann mal abheben. Sollte in den Öffnungszeiten eigentlich möglich sein, wenn man den Tag über anruft - vor allem in einer Zeit, wo viele in den Kosovo reisen und es Fragen zur epidemiologischen Situation und Maßnahmen gibt. Das muss besser gehen, andernfalls angeben dass man nicht erreichbar ist in der Woche xy.
Very friendly and helpful when they take off. Should actually be possible during the opening hours if you call during the day - especially at a time when many are traveling to Kosovo and there are questions about the epidemiological situation and measures. That has to work better, otherwise state that you cannot be reached during week xy.
Atdhe Sahitaj on Google

e kam mar ne telefon ambasaden, mka qellu nje mashkull. sa mire mi ka shqaru te qitha sendet e sa mire me ka ndigu me polt durim. BRAVO vetem vazdhoni qishtu!!
I called the embassy, ​​a man shot me. how well he has cleared all my things and how well he has listened to me with patience. BRAVO just keep it up !!
Jona Gjk on Google

Puntort KATASTROF!!!!! richtig unhöflich!!! Am meisten ein etwas jüngerer mann!! E thirr njeri me vet diqka e aj meniher ja nis met bertit. Nese punon njeri nksi vene duhet me dit qysh mu cill me njerz ??‍♀️ Gjdo her se po foli me to ntelefon po ja nis mem bertit sdin me fol normal shum keq
Puntort KATASTROF !!!!! just right !!! Am meisten ein etwas jüngerer mann !! Someone calls him something and he immediately starts with Bert. If someone works if they put it, I need to know how many people I ??‍♀️.

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