Aeroflot Russian Airlines - Opernring 1

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Aeroflot Russian Airlines

Opernring 1, 1010 Wien, Austria
G R on Google

es wäre gut irgendwo öffnungszeiten vom büro anzugeben
It would be good to specify any opening hours from the office
Sergey Khestanov on Google

Имеется русскоговорящий персонал. Для решения некоторых вопросов - это очень ценно. Персонал - вполне доброжелательный.
There is a Russian-speaking staff. To solve some issues - this is very valuable. The staff is quite friendly.
lisl smagin on Google

Wirklich gute Betreuung in Wien für eine Airline, die man nur empfehlen kann. Vor allem die Comfort Class der Aeroflot ist extrem kostengünstig und bietet fast die Vorteile der Business Class bei langen Flügen. Aeroflot ist verlässlich, freundlich und kundenorientiert. Mein Favorit im Fluglinien-Dschungel!
Really good support in Vienna for an airline that can only be recommended. Aeroflot's Comfort Class in particular is extremely cost-effective and offers almost the same advantages as Business Class on long flights. Aeroflot is reliable, friendly and customer-oriented. My favorite in the airline jungle!
Oleg Zakharchenko on Google

Все хорошо. Только для тех, кто может заблудится: вход в арку со стороны ринга в центре здания. Офис на четвёртом этаже. И на кнопку надо нажимать сильно и под углом, а то она не сработает, а вы решите, что никого нет... как и я подумал сначала ?
All is well. Only for those who may get lost: entrance to the arch from the side of the ring in the center of the building. Office on the fourth floor. And the button must be pressed strongly and at an angle, otherwise it will not work, and you decide that nobody is there ... as I thought at first ?
Nika Talbo on Google

Мне нравиться летать с "Аэрофлотом". Очень услужливый персонал и хороший сервис на борту и не только. Мне часто были оказаны услуги бронирования по телефону, где своевременная реакция персонала помогла не пропасть моему билету. Проблема с повреждённым багажом была решена так же быстро и эффективно. Спасибо за вашу хорошую работу!
I like flying with Aeroflot. Very helpful staff and good service on board and not only. I was often provided with telephone booking services, where the timely response of the staff helped not to waste my ticket. The problem with damaged luggage was solved as quickly and efficiently. Thank you for your good work!
Sung Ku Kang on Google

It is not here
József Koltai on Google

Very helpful and friendly
Nina Solo on Google

The office and people there are fine, just an overall impression of the company is disappointing - had to call them 6 times, sent two online requests, wasted lots of time and still had to come in person to their office just because they failed to do anything online. On top, in the office they said I had to pay extra because I missed a special confirmation which they had failed to tell me about. So old century organization, lots of time wasted (((

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