Wasserfallwinkel - Wasserfallwinkel

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Wasserfallwinkel

Address :

9844 Heiligenblut, Austria

Postal code : 9844
Website : http://www.salzburg.com/wiki/index.php/Naturlehrweg_Gamsgrube
Categories :
City : Heiligenblut

9844 Heiligenblut, Austria
Nils Kahle on Google

Schöne leichte Wanderung. Tolle Aussicht auf die Sesterze.
Nice easy hike. Great view of the sesterces.
Robert on Google

Punkt widokowy na Grosslockner, bardzo łatwe dojście, szlak prowadzi przez kilka tuneli...Idąc dalej można dojść do lodowca....
Grosslockner viewpoint, very easy access, the trail leads through several tunnels ... Going further you can reach the glacier ....
Philipp FALKENSTEIN on Google

Diesen Ort als schönsten Jausenplatz Österreichs zu benennen erscheint mir doch hoffnungslos untertrieben und tiefgestapelt. Es ist der allerallerschönste ? leider fehlt mir die Zeit jeden Tag dort zu jausnen aber es wäre jede Anstrengung wert!
To name this place as Austria's most beautiful playground seems to me hopelessly understated and deeply stacked. It is the most beautiful ? Unfortunately, I do not have the time to stop there every day but it would be worth every effort!
channel max on Google

È una cascata formata dallo scioglimento delle nevi del grande ghiacciaio Pasterze. Si raggiunge in 1ora/ 1ora e 30 dal grande posteggio, percorrendo alcuni tunnel pedonali ed un largo sentiero in salita. In uno scenario "lunare", potrete incontrare ( se andate di mattina presto, quando c'è poca gente) anche aquile, marmotte e camosci in lontananza. L'acqua ,dopo aver formato un piccolo laghetto,scorre su roccioni fino a raggiungere il fondo del vialone.
It is a waterfall formed by the melting of the snow of the great Pasterze glacier. It can be reached in 1 hour / 1 hour and 30 from the large car park, along some pedestrian tunnels and a wide uphill path. In a "lunar" scenario, you can meet (if you go early in the morning, when there are few people) even eagles, marmots and chamois in the distance. The water, after having formed a small lake, flows over rocks until it reaches the bottom of the avenue.
kim stougaard on Google

Draganpcg on Google

Beautifull place !
Riccardo Giusti on Google

Wonderful spot below the Großglockner. It is a must to see.
Ilse Joosen on Google

Beautiful spot. You are alone there if you visit it in the evening and the light is stunning. Feels like the end of the world.

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