Stadtwildnis - Stadtwildnis

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Stadtwildnis

Address :

1030 Wien, Austria

Postal code : 1030
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City : Wien

1030 Wien, Austria
Elisabeth Preiss on Google

ich mag diese wildnis sehr nur leider erlebte ich schon.2 mal die präsenz eines exibitionisten und das nimmt gelassenheit weg!!!
i like this wilderness very much but unfortunately i have already seen one of them two times exibitionists and that takes away serenity !!!
Dustin Steiner on Google

Toll, was sich hier Mitten in der Stadt findet. Toll, dass man der Natur hier einfach freien Lauf gibt und sie schützt und somit viele Arten ermöglicht.
Great, what can be found here in the middle of the city. It's great that nature is simply given free rein here, protecting it and thus making many species possible.
Georg Pairst on Google

Naja,ein ganz kleiner Naturraum aber nichts besonderes.Die Gegend ist ja nicht die schönste Ecke Wiens.Nur hässlich .....
Well, a very small natural area but nothing special. The area is not the most beautiful corner of Vienna. Just ugly .....
Alice Ei on Google

Sehr nettes Fleckchen Natur mitten in der Stadt. Leider total zugeschi*%$en und das obwohl direkt daneben eine Hundezone ist! Eigentlich eine Frechheit!!!
Very nice piece of nature in the middle of the city. Unfortunately, totally closed, even though there is a dog zone right next to it! Actually a cheek!
Nagler Thomas on Google

Ein Ort der Erholung das besondere sind die hier lebenden sonst sehr scheuen Streunerkatzen die von ehrenamtlich tätigen Wienern gefüttert und besucht werden. Ein besonderes Highlight dieses Ortes.
A place of relaxation that is special are the otherwise very shy stray cats that live here and are fed and visited by volunteer Viennese. A special highlight of this place.
Nikolai Kim on Google

Links Tennisplätze, rechts ein Polytechnikum, am Anfang und Ende Gemeindebauten, in der Mitte wucherndes Unkraut, ein Kriecherl-Baum und ein Paar Katzenhäuschen. Für Wildkatzen ist gesorgt, doch sollte die kleine Jane nicht auf Nackt-Tarzane stehen, so sollte sie das Plätzchen doch eher meiden, und besser das Eiscafe ein paar hundert Meter weiter aufsuchen. Ist weniger wild.
Tennis courts on the left, a polytechnic on the right, community buildings at the beginning and end, weeds growing overgrown, a creeper tree and a pair of cat houses in the middle. Wildcats are catered for, but if little Jane is not into naked Tarzane, she should rather avoid the place, and better go to the ice cream parlor a few hundred meters further. Is less wild.
Riccardo Breda on Google

Quando ho saputo dell'esistenza di un parco urbano in cui volutamente si lascia che la natura prenda il sopravvento per ricreare un'atmosfera escursionistica mi ci sono fiondato ricco di aspettative. Purtroppo quello che ho trovato non é stato così incredibile sebbene per qualche istante sembra di essere in un posto totalmente differente. C'è un sentiero che mi ricorda molto un bosco e nella parte più centrale non c'è traccia di città. Purtroppo basta spostarsi di poco e si vedono campi di tennis, una scuola, palazzi e l'idillio svanisce. Ci sono differenti zone allestite per creare una colonia di gatti. Nel complesso é curioso ed essendo vicino alla fermata metro non comporta un grande sforzo.
When I learned of the existence of an urban park in which nature is deliberately allowed to take over to recreate a hiking atmosphere, I was full of expectations. Unfortunately what I found was not so incredible although for a few moments it seems to be in a totally different place. There is a path that reminds me a lot of a forest and in the most central part there is no trace of the city. Unfortunately, just move a little and you can see tennis courts, a school, buildings and the idyll disappears. There are different areas set up to create a colony of cats. Overall it is curious and being close to the metro station does not require a lot of effort.
david player on Google

I am loving it

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