Restaurant Charles Villach

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Restaurant Charles Villach

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Hauptpl. 26, 9500 Villach, Austria

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City : Villach

Hauptpl. 26, 9500 Villach, Austria
Nikolaus Borbely on Google

Das Ambiente sehr gediegen. Das Essen und die Getränke sehr gut. Die Speisen waren geschmacklich gut abgestimmt. Das Personal ist freundlich.
The ambience very tasteful. The food and drinks very good. The food was good taste matched. The staff is friendly.
Jarmo Yrjölä on Google

Sanotaan, että yritys on yhtä hyvä kuin sen huonoin suorittaja. Tästä ravintolassa ilmeisesti puuttui paikalla oleva vastuuhenkilö. Tämä mahdollisti (?) sen, että palvelun ja tarjonnan laatu vaihteli ja normitasoa oli vaikea määrittää. Tietty haluttomuus ja osaamattomuus näkyi palvelussa. Paikan sijainti oli mitä mainioin kävelykadun yhteydessä. Sisustus oli tummaa, mutta tyylikästä. Ruoka tuotiin kerran haaleana pöytään tai tarjoilijaa piti odottaa kohtuuttoman kauan (pöytien pyyhkimiseen riitti aikaa), oli sitten kyseessä tilaus, tiedustelu, toimitus tai laskun maksu. Aamiaisella varhaiset kävijät saivat ilmeisesti hyvät tarjoamat, mutta 8:30 jälkeen oli tavanomaista, että lautaset olivat tyhjiä (täytettiin pyynnöstä, ellei tavara ollut loppu). Baarin toiminta ja asiantuntemus olivat erinomaiset. Terassipalvelu ontui aluksi, mutta parani annetun palautteen kautta hyväksi. Näen, että asiakkaan tehtävä ei ole ohjeistaa henkilökuntaa, vaan laadunvalvonta hoidetaan sisäisesti.
It is said that a company is as good as its worst performer. This apparently lacked a person in charge at the restaurant. This allowed (?) The quality of service and supply to vary and the level of standards to be difficult to determine. A certain reluctance and incompetence was evident in the service. The location of the place was perfect for the promenade. The decor was dark but stylish. The food was brought to the table once lukewarm or the waiter had to wait an unreasonable amount of time (there was enough time to wipe the tables), whether it was an order, inquiry, delivery or payment of an invoice. At breakfast, early visitors apparently got a good offer, but after 8:30 it was customary for the plates to be empty (filled on request unless the goods were out of stock). The bar's operation and expertise were excellent. The terrace service limped at first, but improved through the feedback given. I see that it is not the customer’s job to instruct the staff, but quality control is handled internally.
Maria Achleitner on Google

Sehr nettes Lokal, Bedienung freundlich, allerdings fast schon aufdringlich oft nachgefragt ob alles passt. Essen (businessmenü) war nichtssagend, langweilig im Geschmack, Salat recht gut!
Very nice restaurant, friendly service, but almost intrusively often asked if everything was okay. Food (business menu) was meaningless, boring in taste, salad quite good!
K-ny on Google

???Villach ?: | Endroit moderne, chic Le service était rapide et agréable. De la place en intérieur/ comme extérieur. | Nous avions pris une marinade de bœuf “ tataki Art” : 16€ Et des spaghettis à la truffe: 16€ Dans l’ensemble c’était assez correct mais nous avons trouvé que les prix étaient un peu élevés pour ce qu’on nous a proposé.
???Villach ?: | Modern, chic place The service was quick and pleasant. Space indoors / outdoors. | We had a “Tataki Art” beef marinade: € 16 And spaghetti with truffles: € 16 Overall it was pretty decent but we found the prices to be a bit high for what we were offered.
Désirée O. on Google

Die Bedienung ist wirklich auf Zack und bemüht, er erkundigte sich immer wieder ob alles in Ordnung ist. Das Frühstücksangebot ist extravagant und war toll, große Portionen und äußerst lecker. Stilvolles Ambiente mit Blick in die Küche.
The service is really on the ball and tried hard, he kept asking if everything was ok. The breakfast offering is extravagant and was great, large portions and extremely tasty. Stylish ambience with a view of the kitchen.
Rene Payne on Google

Service and taste Great. But portion size for fries VERY small. Just a little bitty basket. Should be twice as much. I had burger Awesome and wife hade veganes kicher.......... Great taste. Recommend
Y. I. La O on Google

Nice place but to expensive, specially if you are hungry. If you order "Knödel" for 13 € you just get ONE! I mean, the dish was pretty and taste very good but ONE LITTLE KNÖDEL on the dish ?? Waitress are okay, although not so polite... For the prices.. I mean.... ?
Lena Kaminski on Google

We went for a drink and a snack in Charles . Nice enormous summer cocktails, and classic schnaps . We also tried “vegetarian tartar “ which was very tasty and interesting.

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