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Contact Mechitharisten-Congregation

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Mechitaristengasse 4, 1070 Wien, Austria

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City : Wien

Mechitaristengasse 4, 1070 Wien, Austria
Hakob Babayan on Google

Армянская церковь, музей и огромная библиотека. Армянская диаспра Вены в основном собирается именно вокруг этой церкви.
Armenian church, museum and a huge library. The Armenian diaspora of Vienna is mainly gathered around this church.
Florian on Google

Die Mechitharisten haben alles Erreichbare aus Armenien gesammelt und magaziniert. Der Besuch der einst reichen Sammlungen beider Abteien Wien und Venedig bedeutet für den Armenier der Diaspora einen Kontakt mit der verlorengegangenen Heimat und eine Rückbesinnung auf das kulturelle Erbe der Nation, besonders nach der noch andauernden Zerstörung armenischer Monumente infolge des Genozids am armenischen Volk durch die Türken. Zudem waren Stätten im Osten wie Erevan, Jerusalem, Nor Jowla und Antilias schwer zu erreichen.
The mechitharists have collected and stored everything they can get from Armenia. A visit to the once rich collections of both Vienna and Venice abbeys means for the Armenian of the diaspora a contact with the lost homeland and a return to the cultural heritage of the nation, especially after the ongoing destruction of Armenian monuments as a result of the genocide of the Armenian people by the Turks . In addition, sites in the east such as Erevan, Jerusalem, Nor Jowla and Antilias were difficult to reach.
Arnold Lengauer on Google

Ein wahrer Geheimtipp für Wien-Besucher ist eine Führung im Mechitaristenkloster. Gezeigt werden die Mechitaristen-Kirche, das Refektorium, das Museum armenischer Kultur und die Bibliothek. Zur rund 90 Minuten dauernden Führung muss man sich rechtzeitig anmelden. Details und Telefonnummer gibt es auf der Web-Seite der Mechitaristen. Die Führung ist gratis, eine großzügige Spende ist angebracht und sie wird gerne entgegengenommen! Auch sollte man die Gelegenheit nicht versäumen, mindestens eine Flasche Mechitarine zu erwerben. Eine Kostprobe gibt es am Ende der Führung.
A real insider tip for visitors to Vienna is a guided tour of the mechitarist monastery. The Mechitarist Church, the refectory, the Museum of Armenian Culture and the library are shown. You have to register in good time for the 90-minute tour. Details and telephone numbers can be found on the Mechitarists' website. The tour is free, a generous donation is appropriate and we are happy to receive it! You should also not miss the opportunity to purchase at least one bottle of Mechitarine. There is a taste at the end of the tour.
Мгер Симонян on Google

Каждую поездку я всегда готовлю заранее: изучаю источники, составляю маршрут, выбираю места, которые хочу посетить. Это позволяет экономить время и рассматривать архитектурные объекты уже осознанно. Вот и свою очередную поездку в Вену я тоже распланировал. Одним из основных пунктов, куда очень хотел попасть - был армянский #монастырь мхитаристов. Сама #обитель находится в центре Вены, недалеко от парламента, в двух минутах ходьбы от Фолькстеатра. Известно что в 1773 году часть отцов армянского ордена мхитаристов отделилась от общины Сан-Ладзаро (Венеция) и поселилась в Триесте, где основала новый монастырь. Но, в результате французской оккупации города в 1797-1805 годах, монахи-мхитаристы, будучи подданными империи Габсбургов, укрылись в Вене, где в 1810 году и основали новый монастырь. Обитель размещалась в зданиях принадлежащих ордену капуцинов. В 1837 году монастырь был перестроен, а сама церковь в общем архитектурном комплексе была возведена только в 1874 году. Со временем оба монастыря мхитаристов - в Венеции и Вене, - стали играть огромную роль в сохранении и развитии армянской культуры. Сегодня в фондах монастыря находится богатая нумизматическая #коллекция (более 30000 монет), керамика, ковры и другие предметы, - в основном армянского происхождения. В галерее обители содержатся ценные картины армянских художников, среди которых есть и картина Айвазовского. Особую уникальность представляет #библиотека монастыря, в которой насчитывается более 2800 армянских рукописей и более чем 170000 томов древних и современных армянских печатных работ. Здесь же в библиотеке хранится самая большая коллекция армянских газет и журналов. Согласитесь, - это просто кладезь для любого исследователя! Также в монастыре с 1889 года производится редчайший ликёр, рецепт которого был привезён из Константинополя основателем ордена Мхитаром Севастийским. Следует отметить, что австрийцы настолько с почтением относятся к деятельности ордена, что улицу к которой примыкает их монастырь назвали в их честь - #Мехитаристенгассе.
I always prepare each trip in advance: I study the sources, draw up a route, choose the places I want to visit. This allows you to save time and consider architectural objects consciously. So I also planned out my next trip to Vienna. One of the main points where I really wanted to go was the Armenian monastery of the Mkhitarists. The monastery itself is located in the center of Vienna, not far from the Parliament, two minutes walk from Volkstheater. It is known that in 1773 part of the fathers of the Armenian Order of the Mkhitarists separated from the community of San Lazzaro (Venice) and settled in Trieste, where they founded a new monastery. But, as a result of the French occupation of the city in 1797-1805, the Mkhitarian monks, being subjects of the Hapsburg Empire, took refuge in Vienna, where in 1810 they founded a new monastery. The monastery was located in the buildings belonging to the Order of the Capuchins. In 1837 the monastery was rebuilt, and the church itself in the general architectural complex was built only in 1874. Over time, both Mkhitarian monasteries - in Venice and Vienna - began to play a huge role in the preservation and development of Armenian culture. Today the monastery has a rich numismatic collection (more than 30,000 coins), ceramics, carpets and other items, mainly of Armenian origin. The gallery of the monastery contains valuable paintings by Armenian artists, among which there is a painting by Aivazovsky. A special uniqueness is represented by the library # of the monastery, in which there are more than 2800 Armenian manuscripts and more than 170,000 volumes of ancient and modern Armenian printed works. The library also contains the largest collection of Armenian newspapers and magazines. Agree - it is just a storehouse for any researcher! Also in the monastery since 1889, a rare liqueur is produced, the recipe of which was brought from Constantinople by the founder of the order, Mkhitar of Sebaste. It should be noted that the Austrians are so respectful of the activities of the order that the street to which their monastery adjoins was named after them - # Mehitaristengasse.
Sylvia Bourdjian-Matta on Google

A hidden gem in the heart of Vienna!
Kristina Abrahamyan on Google

Little Armenia in Vienna.
Murat Ozkan on Google

All Armenians who are visiting Vienna, must see...
Suvendu Das on Google

The Mechitharists collected and stored everything accessible from Armenia. Visiting the once rich collections of both Vienna and Venice means for the Armenian Diaspora a contact with the lost home and a return to the cultural heritage of the nation, especially after the ongoing destruction of Armenian monuments as a result of the genocide of the Armenian people the Turks. In addition, sites in the east such as Erevan, Jerusa lem, Nor Jowla and Antilias were difficult to reach. The collection of paintings gives a good overview of the work of Armenian painters like GIVANIAN and MAHOKIAN. The famous painter of Kafa I. AYASOVSKIJ has been represented by four paintings and a graphic work , including the extraordinary "Night on the Sea at Full Moon", which has fallen into disrepair and is part of a long Western tradition : ELSHEIMER, VAN GOGH. An extensive collection of caricatures by A. SARUCHAN decorates a whole wall. In the extensive coin collection of about 20,000 pieces are 5000 Armenian , mainly Cilician, of which P. AUGUSTIN SEKULIAN parts, the kings HETOUMS IL, LEWON III. and OSCHINS, edited. The extensive collection of Armenian paraments reflects the different uses in the liturgies. Folk costumes from the landscapes, the replica of an Armenian house and the commodity are to be assigned to everyday life. Most of the pieces in the Occident and East Asia originated from Porzellan. The most valuable pottery is that of Kütahya in Anatolia. In the monastery valuable land maps are kept, the earth globe of the archbishop AYDINIAN (1846-1848) has a diameter of 60 cm, that of P. ALEXANDER BALDJIAN of 1848 has 20 cm. In the showcases behind the rug collection, the minerals are kept and shells, a gift from the duke JULIE to STOP-COETHEN. The museum displays many natural science devices used in monastic studies . A focal point of the collection are the Armenian carpets, the oldest , a piece unfortunately received only as a small fragment, dating from the mid-18th century. Meh rere pieces showing Armenian Ikono graphy as one with Mother Armenia amid the destroyed cities. Others bring names of the customers, to any good house in Armenia such carpet belonged. V. GANTZHORN has proved Armenia as the country of origin of the Christian oriental carpet. The ancient oriental objects such as reliefs and cylinder seals were edited by E. BLEIBTREU. Also worth mentioning are the liturgical tools and goldsmith's works, of which so far no inventory has been created. Armenian SilForges were active in Russia, but also in Egypt. The monastery has extensive photos of Armenia, including the image material of a LALAYAN, which was already available to J. STRZYGOWSKI for his monumental work "The Architecture of the Armenians and Europe" in 1918. Extensive material for editing is waiting in the archive , for example the 10 volumes of colophons which AKINIAN collected in the manuscripts and which would be a useful supplement to the Kolophoneditionen of the Matenadaran to Erevan. Today, other sites are more concerned with objects of Armenian culture than the two abbeys in Vienna and Venice, such as the "His toric Museum" to Erevan and Sardarabad. (Helmut Buschhausen)

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