Mautturm Winklern

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Mautturm Winklern

Address :

Winklern 39, 9841 Winklern, Austria

Phone : 📞 +87
Categories :
City : Winklern

Winklern 39, 9841 Winklern, Austria
Zdenko Laksar on Google

Mirno radišno mjesto na putu do Grosglocknera sa jako dobrim restoranom te privatnim smještajem u neposrednoj blizini centra mjesta a puno jeftiniji smještaj
Quiet workplace on the way to Grosglockner with a really good restaurant and private accommodation close to the city center and much cheaper accommodation
Alexandra Groder on Google

Echt a schiene Ausstellung oamol zu sechn des lohnt sich??
Really a rail exhibition oamol about something worth it??
Marv M. on Google

Ein sehr schöne und Intressante Ausstellung von Edelsteinen.
A very nice and interesting exhibition of precious stones.
Thomas Gärtner on Google

Sehr schön und eine tolle Aussicht auf den Ort. Auch die Kristallausstellung sehr sehenswert und lehrreich
Very nice and a great view of the place. The crystal exhibition is also very worth seeing and instructive
Béla Nád on Google

Winkler ősi városában, ahol a Möll a nagy kanyarját leírja, áll egy ősöreg kora gótikus erődítmény, melyet már 1325-ben említenek a források. Az idők során volt vámtorony, gabonatároló sőt lakóépület is. Ma a világ legszebb hegyikristály-gyűjteményét rejti. Akkora hegyikristályok vannak itt, amikhez képest a mi szent jogarunk kristálya… bakfitty. Focilabdányi golyók, hatalmas kupák, tálak, keresztek sora ragyog a félhomályban. A hatalmas torony minden emeletén a kristálytársadalom Góliátjai vannak kiállítva. Errefelé annyi volt a hegyikristály, hogy az őskorban lándzsahegy is készült belőle. A „király” a Keleti-Alpok legnagyobb füstkvarca volt, ezt a 265 kilós csöppséget 3100 méteres magasságban lelték. Elvileg a torony körül tekergőzik a Tauernwurm (a Tauerni sárkány), melynek feladata a kincsek őrzése. Vagy fáradt voltam, vagy nagyon ijesztő, mert nemhogy sárkányt, még fali gyíkot sem láttam!
In the ancient town of Winkler, where the Möll describes its great bend, stands an ancient Gothic fortress, mentioned as early as 1325 in the sources. Over time, there was a customs tower, grain storage and even a residential building. Today it hides the most beautiful collection of rhinestones in the world. There are so many rhinestones here that the crystal of our sacred law… bakfitty is compared to. A row of soccer ball balls, huge cups, bowls, crosses shines in the twilight. On each floor of the huge tower are exhibited Goliaths of the Crystal Society. There were so many rock crystals here that in prehistoric times a spearhead was made of it. The “king” was the largest smoky quartz in the Eastern Alps, this 265-pound drop was found at an altitude of 3,100 meters. In principle, the Tauernwurm (the Tauern dragon) wraps around the tower to guard the treasures. I was either tired or very scary because I didn’t even see a dragon, not even a wall lizard!
Eldar Israel Aslanbeily on Google

Fascinating place
Voj blesk on Google

Too expensive cca 15 euros to enterace dont go to this place
Koert van der Veer on Google

Slightly underwhelming rock crystal exhibition. There's several specimen, but that's it. Nothing about their history, geology, chemistry or discovery. The narrow topic, combined with the shallow execution makes the exhibition a bit boring.

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