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Contact Margarethenkapelle

Address :

5020 Salzburg, Austria

Categories :
City : Salzburg

5020 Salzburg, Austria
K. Kli on Google

Die Margarethenkapelle ist eine Kapelle im Friedhof der Benediktiner-Erzabtei St. Peter. Sie steht im südlichen Teil des Friedhofs von St. Peter und wurde von Abt Rupert V. Keutzl anstelle der Amandus-Kapelle 1485 bis 1491 errichten. Die Margarethenkapelle steht unter Denkmalschutz. Der heutige neugotische Altar wurde unter Verwendung gotischer Statuen von Georg Petzold 1864 entworfen.
The Margaret Chapel is a chapel in the cemetery of the Benedictine Archabbey of St. Peter. It stands in the southern part of the cemetery of St. Peter and was built by Abbot Rupert V. Keutzl in place of the Amandus chapel from 1485 to 1491. The Margaret Chapel is a listed building. Today's neo-Gothic altar was designed by Georg Petzold in 1864 using Gothic statues.
Stadt Salzburg on Google

Schönstes gotisches Kirchenbauwerk in Salzburg. Besonders schön ist der gotische Altar, aber auch die vielen Grabsteine im Inneren der Kirche. Darunter auch noch Steine aus der Römerzeit. Ein einziges Gemälde befindet sich im Innenraum hat aber noch ein Äquivalent im Domquartier.
Most beautiful Gothic church building in Salzburg. The Gothic altar is particularly beautiful, but also the many tombstones inside the church. Including stones from Roman times. A single painting is in the interior but still has an equivalent in the cathedral quarter.
Antonius on Google

Eine sehr schöne kleine Kapelle auf dem Petersfriedhof. Leider ist sie innen abgesperrt, so dass man zwar hinein treten und sich umschauen kann, aber sich setzen und einmal zur Ruhe kommen ist nicht gestattet. Dennoch kann man in dieser Friedhofskapelle dem Trubel der Stadt für einige Augenblicke entgehen.
A very nice little chapel on the Petersfriedhof. Unfortunately, it is locked inside, so that although you can enter and look around, but sit down and once come to rest is not allowed. Nevertheless, in this cemetery chapel you can escape the hustle and bustle of the city for a few moments.
Inna Arhipova on Google

В центре старинного кладбища святого Петра находится часовня святой Маргариты. Ранее здесь находилась капелла святого Аманда, построенная еще Рупертом, известным епископом и проповедником 7 века. При раскопках были найдены ее остатки. Со временем она обветшала. Новую капеллу начали строить в 1485 году и завершили через 6 лет. Вершину часовни венчает шпиль с колокольней, а вход в нее выполнен в виде лепного портала, зауженного к верху. На внешней стене здания можно увидеть несколько памятных плит с именами знатных дворян и церковных служителей. Часовня построена в стиле поздней готики. Однако ее внутреннее убранство не удалось увидеть, я была в Зальцбурге дважды и каждый раз вход в нее был закрыт.
In the center of the ancient cemetery of St. Peter is the chapel of St. Margaret. Previously, there was a chapel of St. Amand, built by Rupert, a famous bishop and preacher of the 7th century. During excavations, its remains were found. Over time, she faded. The new chapel began to be built in 1485 and completed after 6 years. The top of the chapel is crowned with a spire with a bell tower, and the entrance to it is made in the form of a stucco portal narrowed towards the top. On the outer wall of the building, you can see several commemorative plates with the names of noble nobles and church ministers. The chapel was built in the late Gothic style. However, its interior decoration could not be seen, I was in Salzburg twice and each time the entrance to it was closed.
monica pronzini on Google

As we went there the doors were open and it was alive with tourists going in and out. It is a small and really beautiful church.

Small but beautiful chapel and a cemetery at St. Peter's.
Angus Hamilton on Google

Pretty tiny gothuc chapel nestling behind St Peters. There's not an awful lot to see but as you'll probably be visit ng St Peters and the adjacent catacombs it's worth popping in. The church is also close to the lower station of th funicular up to th fortress.
macedonboy on Google

The Margarethen Kapelle is a chapel in the St. Peter Cemetery in the old town of Salzburg and dedicated to St. Margaret. I stumbled into the cemetery as I was walking down from the Hohensalzburg Fortress. It's a pretty little church built in the Gothic style with it's long straight spire. Inside it's fairly simple with the most attractive feature being the altarpiece depicting Mary with infant Jesus and I think scenes of both Saint Margaret and Mary (but too far to see clearly).

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