Lienz in Osttirol Bahnhof

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lienz in Osttirol Bahnhof

Address :

9900 Lienz, Austria

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City : Lienz

9900 Lienz, Austria
Fabio Tapetto on Google

Posto meraviglioso, gente cordiale, prezzi abbordabilissimi meravigliosa pure la campagna circostante
Wonderful place, friendly people, wonderful affordable prices as well as the surrounding countryside
Zugfilmer Osttirol on Google

Bis Dezember 2021 wird der Totalumbau des Lienzer Bahnhofs fertig sein.
The total renovation of the Lienz train station will be completed by December 2021.
Simone Giraldi on Google

Ho provato a chiedere se è possibile mettere 0 stelle, purtroppo no. Sono un recensore onesto, senza pregiudizi o altro. Ebbene vi garantisco che non ho mai visto una stazione peggiore di questa, ridicola vista l'affluenza turistica (1 cassa automatica fuori al parcheggio) e dentro la stazione 1/2 casse solo contanti. Inevitabili code per i biglietti viste le decine e decine di non era un paese virtuoso per l'emergenza covid l'Austria? Ma fatemi il piacere E del cestino per gli gnomi dei rifiuti che straborda? 1 cestino su tutta l'area........ E non ti regalano nulla come costo biglietto, quindi questo aggrava ancora di più la situazione
I tried to ask if it is possible to put 0 stars, unfortunately not. I am an honest reviewer, without prejudice or anything. Well I guarantee you that I have never seen a worse station than this, ridiculous given the tourist turnout (1 automatic cash machine outside the parking lot) and 1/2 cash only cash boxes inside the station. Inevitable queues for tickets given the dozens and dozens of tourists ... but wasn't Austria a virtuous country for the covid emergency? But do me the favor What about the trash gnome basket overflowing? 1 basket on the whole area ........ And they don't give you anything as a ticket cost, so this aggravates the situation even more
K. P. on Google

Sobald der Umbau abgeschlossen ist wirds ein Vorzeige Bahnhof.
As soon as the renovation is completed, it will be a showcase station.
Thomas Mariacher on Google

Sehr schön gemacht
Well done
Marco Romagnoli on Google

Conny Fritzer on Google

Neuer Bahnhof Sieht super aus, es sind noch Arbeiter täglich hier und um ihn Fertig zustellen!!! Kein Thema, gehört dazu!!!!! Toiletten geräumig und barrierefrei...auch für Rollstuhlfahrer bestens geeignet. Das für die toiletten Benutzung 0,50 cent verlangt wird, auch nicht so schlimm.... Aber bis jetzt hab ich es nie so erwischt, das bei jedem Toilettenpapier aufgefüllt war, noch nie Desinfektionsmittel (zum WC Sitz abwischen) aufgefüllt war und von der seife zum händewaschen red ma gar nicht? da is ein kleiner teller mit einer Kernseife darauf???? Das hab ich zuhause, bei meiner Familie, aber doch nicht auf einer toilette mit zig Hundert Kunden!!!!! Wo man doch so aufpassen sollte✌ Das gleiche auf dem Herren WC, bis auf die Seife, da ist nämlich gar nichts vorhanden ,ausser die dafür vorgesehenen Behälter. Das könnte man der Reinigungskraft bitte verklickern, den bei mir hat sie mich nur ausgelacht
New train station Looks great, there are still workers here every day to finish it!!! No problem, one of them!!!!! Spacious and barrier-free toilets...also ideal for wheelchair users. The fact that 0.50 cents is required for using the toilet is not that bad either.... But so far I've never caught it that every toilet paper was refilled, disinfectant (to wipe the toilet seat) was never refilled and I don't even talk about the soap for washing my hands ? there is a small plate with curd soap on it ?? ?? I have that at home, with my family, but not in a toilet with hundreds of customers!!!!! Where you should be so careful✌ The same in the men's toilet, except for the soap, there is nothing there, except for the containers provided. You could tell the cleaning staff that, because she just laughed at me
Dom on Google

Funny train station. Every neighbourhood in this town got community centres but no elevators to platforms 2 and 3 at the main station. Saw older people really struggling a lot with the stairs. The city should look into sponsoring it if OBB is unwilling to invest.

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