Grillhaus Hong Kong 大歡喜飯店 - Köstlergasse 16

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Grillhaus Hong Kong 大歡喜飯店

Address :

Köstlergasse 16, 1060 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +89
Postal code : 1060
Website :
Categories :
City : Wien

Köstlergasse 16, 1060 Wien, Austria
SY L on Google

Authentic Hong Kong/Guangdong dishes like what I had in Hong Kong. More like home cooking. Recommend sweet and sour pork ribs (生炒骨) which are deep fried upon order. Very crispy and the meat is well-seasoned , not too dry. Pork belly with marinated dry vegetable (梅菜扣肉) can rarely be found in Vienna but you get it here. Taste good , like home made .Just the sauce was a bit too sticky(thick) for me. Stir-fried squid with vegetable: when it comes to seafood, most Restaurants in Vienna are the same when this is a country without Salt water sea. It is not a surprise if frozen seafood is tasteless. Maybe this is not your dish if you have a higher standard towards seafood. (廣東蒸魚)Guangdong steam fish with ginger , green onion and chinese soysauce: small fish but fair enough for the price and it tastes like home. Good taste and they used yellow croaker. So the fish has a good soft texture. €16.9 per head for two dishes and a soup/appetizer+plain rice as dinner ?The outside (and inside )doesn't look spectacular as a Restaurant from 20 years(saw on their Website )ago but this is a place if you look for the authentic taste:)? Cantonese speaking, also mandarin, german i guess too
Skylar Tenshi on Google

A good restaurant if you have no idea where you want to eat
Minja Subotar on Google

A true oasis in the middle of all the overpriced hipster places. Just some nice honest Chinese food, authentic but not in a bragging way. Please never change.
Sean Jo on Google

I have been a regular here von 10 years now. Always good always serving authentic Guangzhou/Hong Kong Cuisine. Not westernised at all. Definitely worth coming to id you want the real deal.
Thao Pham on Google

We had tofu and roast duck and it was so awesome we left nothing behind. The duck was nicely seasoned, the sauce was awesome. I would love to try their Peking duck, but that would require oder in advance
Amos on Google

Pretty authentic place for Cantonese cuisine. Had the Singaporean style fried vermicelli and they were one of the rare ones to have a good amount of spice to it. However, the noodles were a bit "wet" as the best ones have a drier texture. But great food overall, enjoyed the food there.
Rorry Late on Google

Craving for Hong Kong food? This is a great restaurant to start! Honestly, when my friend took us to this restaurant, I did not expect much but oh my was I wrong. We ordered the tofu balls, fried squids, eggplant prawns & sweet sour rips. The taste was very authentic and we ate up everything including the rice because the sauces were so good!! Definitely coming back next time. Thank you for having us!
Warren Yeung on Google

CASH ONLY!! I don’t put that in caps to deter you, but to make sure you have enough on hand if you come. And you should! Having lived two years in Hong Kong, this is the most authentic Chinese food that I have found in Vienna (and most other foreign places) so far. The dishes I had were not altered for an Austrian palate, and taste how they were intended to taste. The crispy chicken was a little dry, but nice coating and seasoning. The Cha Siu was excellent; my son devoured it. The mapo tofu is not like any version I’ve seen, but had more fermented veggies/fillings and wasn’t as spicy, but still great. Pak Choi vegetables were simply but deliciously done. Favourite was the Gon chau ngau ho (beef noodles) with great chewiness to the noodles. Our waiter spoke excellent English (no English Menus though) and one can order tap water instead of buying bottled. Something I have never seen offered in Europe. We will absolutely be back to try what else they have to offer!

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