Gasthof Perfler

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gasthof Perfler

Address :

Außervillgraten 143, 9931 Außervillgraten, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Außervillgraten

Außervillgraten 143, 9931 Außervillgraten, Austria
Leo P on Google

Das ist für mich so ein richtiges Landgasthaus, mit sehr guter Küche und mit einem Langjährigen Stammpersonal und sehr freundlichen und hilfsbereit. Pravo LG Leo und Sabine
For me this is a real country inn, with very good cuisine and with a longstanding permanent staff and very friendly and helpful. Pravo LG Leo and Sabine
Martin Melke on Google

Eine freundliche und sympathische Wirtschaft mit variantenreichen Gerichten, perfekt für Ausflüge in die umliegenden Berge oder um den Tag beim zünftigen Abendessen ausklingen zu lassen. Parkplätze stehen direkt am Gasthof zur Verfügung.
A friendly and sympathetic restaurant with varied dishes, perfect for trips to the surrounding mountains or to end the day with a hearty dinner. Parking spaces are available directly at the inn.
Carlo Pagan on Google

Ristorante da non perdere!! Alloggiando nelle vicinanze di questo ristorante, una sera abbiamo deciso, io e una ventina di amici, di cenare in questo caratteristico ristorante. Con ampio parcheggio all'esterno, Il locale tipico tirolese è situato al centro del paese ed è molto carino: la proprietaria signora Elisabeth e un'altra signora che ci ha servito in tavola ci hanno fatto trascorrere una serata veramente serena e allegra. Piatti tipici veramente ottimi, abbondanti e "annaffiati" da buona birra. I dolci forse erano un po' pochini, ma avevamo avvertito solo un'ora prima del nostro arrivo in venti persone quindi era più che comprensibile, però l'ottima grappa che la signora ha tirato fuori da un cassetto frigo del bancone ci ha fatto dimenticare i pochi dolci disponibili. Ultima sorpresa il conto: neanche 270 euro in venti persone ed abbiamo mangiato (e bevuto) veramente molto e bene. Un locale da provare se si è in zona. P.S. uscendo la signora ci ha omaggiato tutti di una bottiglietta mignon di liquore, cose d'altri tempi ormai, ma che fanno molto piacere però
Restaurant not to be missed !! Staying near this restaurant, one evening we decided, me and twenty friends, to dine in this quaint restaurant. With ample outdoor parking, the typical Tyrolean restaurant is located in the center of the village and is very nice: the owner Mrs Elisabeth and another lady who served us on the table made us spend a truly serene and cheerful evening. Really excellent typical dishes, abundant and "watered" with good beer. The desserts were perhaps a little bit short, but we had warned only an hour before our arrival in twenty people so it was more than understandable, but the excellent grappa that the lady took out of a refrigerator drawer of the counter made us forget the few desserts available. Last surprise the bill: not even 270 euros in twenty people and we ate (and drank) really very and well. A place to try if you are in the area. P.S. On leaving, the lady has honored us all with a small bottle of liqueur, things of other times now, but which are very pleasing though.
Alphawoelfin on Google

Köstliche Schlipfkrapfen, gut gezapftes Bier, freundliche Wirtin. Sehr urig insgesamt. Klare Empfehlung!
Delicious Schlipfkrapfen, well drawn beer, friendly landlady. Very quaint overall. Clear recommendation!
Mario Krauß on Google

Superschönes Gasthaus, leckere und abwechslungsreiche Küche und sehr nettes Personal.
Super nice guest house, delicious and varied cuisine and very nice staff.
Fiona Noale on Google

Mangiamo sempre divinamente! Piatti buonissimi, tipici e abbondanti. Il servizio è personalmente adoro la signora, che nonostante la sua età, porta avanti la sua attività con la sorella costantemente con il sorriso sulle labbra. Molto molto soddisfatta. E ormai affezionata. ?
We always eat divinely! Delicious, typical and abundant dishes. The service is delightful ... I personally love the lady, who despite her age, carries on her business with her sister constantly with a smile on her face. Very very satisfied. And now fond of. ?
Iris Maurer on Google

Es war wunderbar! Die beiden Geschwister rocken den laden, Frühstück super, Abendessen einfach toll! Freundlich, lustigt! Wir kommen wieder! Meinhard und Iris
It was wonderful! The two siblings rock the place, breakfast is great, dinner is just great! Friendly, joking! We will be back! Meinhard and Iris
Federico Momesso on Google

Restaurant is offering typical Tyrolean dishes. You get the best of "family feeling" as service ladies are kind and attentive. Good value for money.

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