Fraganterwirt - Außerfragant 16

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fraganterwirt

Address :

Außerfragant 16, 9831 Außerfragant, Austria

Phone : 📞 +789
Postal code : 9831
Categories :
City : Außerfragant

Außerfragant 16, 9831 Außerfragant, Austria
Mia Pohl on Google

Der Hauswirt und das Personal, war immer sehr höflich und hilfsbereit. Allerdings war das Zimmer, in dem wir untergekommen sind eher nicht so schön. Die Balkontür ging nicht zu, die Dusche ist übergelaufen und nach einer Weile kamen immer mehr Beschwerden dazu.
The landlord and staff were always very polite and helpful. However, the room we stayed in wasn't that nice. The balcony door didn't close, the shower overflowed and after a while there were more and more complaints.
Nace Novak on Google

Nice and friendly.
Julian Tiefnig on Google

LAN Ivančič on Google

Miha Melihen on Google

Realy good food
Daiana Verduyckt on Google

It was very nice.Its a perfect place for families with kids.
Eldar Israel Aslanbeily on Google

Very nice
Albert Rullan on Google

Myself and two friends walked in to ask about dinner and got disrespected when we asked to see a menu. Just some travelers looking for food with nothing but respect for the places we visit and people we meet.

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