Calvary Gosau

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Contact Calvary Gosau

Address :

Gosau 579, 4824 Gosau, Austria

Categories :
City : Gosau

Gosau 579, 4824 Gosau, Austria
Wolfgang Flandorfer on Google

Zwei idyllische Kirchen mit spitzen Türmen und das gewaltige Panorama von Gosaukamm und Dachstein.
Two idyllic churches with pointed towers and the huge panorama of Gosaukamm and Dachstein.
VladS on Google

Velice pěkné místo k procházce. Kalvárie Gosau začíná u kostela nad hotelem Kirchenwirt a skládá se ze čtyř malých kaplí a Kalvária. Kalvárijský kostel a křížové stanice byly postaveny v roce 1775 výrobcem soli v Hallstattu Johannem Sollingerem. Kaplička kalvárie je klenutá, klenutý strop je napůl uzavřený. Malý kostelík má východním hřebenu střechy dvojitou kupoli. V kapli je barokní skupina ukřižování.
Very nice place to walk. Calvary Gosau starts at the church above the Kirchenwirt and consists of four small chapels and the Calvary. The Calvary Church and the Stations of the Cross were built in 1775 by Johann Sollinger, a salt producer in Hallstatt. The chapel of the Calvary is vaulted, the vaulted ceiling is half closed. The small church has a double dome on the eastern ridge of the roof. There is a baroque group of crucifixions in the chapel.
아빠곰 on Google

역시 투어프라하의 투어상품중에 걸어 올라와 고사우 마을을 한눈에 담을수 있던 장소 동네 사람들이 오는 작은 교회도 있었고 유럽에서 교회나 성당같은곳들을 가보면 예수 그림이 지역에 따라 조금씩 다르다는것을 알수 있었던 암튼 분위기는 좀 다클했지만서도 고사우 마을의 소담스런 모습을 한눈에 느낄수 있어서 좋았던 장소 2017.7.29 같이 투어하던 분들과의 사진도 한장 남겨놓고 교회를 등지며 내려오면서 본 교회의 모습에 많은 감정이 스치고 아직도 시간이 많이 지났지만 예수상은 기억에 남는
Tour of Prague I was able to walk up to Gosaou Village at a glance. There was a small church with people from the neighborhood. If you go to places like churches or churches in Europe, The picture varies slightly from region to region. The atmosphere was a little bit dated but I can feel the gentle sight of Goda Village at a glance It was a good place to tour with I left the church with a picture of the people There are many emotions in the way of this church It's still a lot of time, but Jesus remembers
Qing Liu on Google

早上7点多就醒了,跑到阳台看了下外面景色大好,一派欧洲特有的田园风光。洗漱完毕,拿着相机一个人就出门了,戈绍小镇空无一人光线非常的通透,只有牛儿悠闲地吃着草,远处的教堂和农舍,宁静而又美丽,宛如身在童话中。 平缓的山坡,碧绿的草地,尖顶教堂,一栋栋小房子。如果这世上有天堂,这里应该就是天堂。尖顶小教堂虽然内部普通,胜在位置特殊,这也让它成为整幅画卷的点睛之笔,让戈绍这个小镇变得美丽而梦幻。
I woke up at more than 7 in the morning, ran to the balcony and looked at the beautiful scenery outside, a unique rural scenery in Europe. After washing, go out alone with the camera. The town of Gosau is empty. The light is very transparent. Only the cows are eating grass leisurely. The church and farmhouse in the distance are quiet and beautiful, just like being in a fairy tale. in. The gentle hillside, the green grass, the steeple church, and the small houses. If there is heaven in this world, this should be heaven. Although the interior of the spire church is ordinary, it is better than the special location, which also makes it the finishing touch of the whole picture, making the town of Gosau beautiful and dreamy.
huang荷光者 on Google

奥地利-戈绍 去年7月在去哈尔施塔特的路上,鬼事神差的拐进去这个小山坡,戈绍(Gosau)。晚上七点多的夕阳下,这个小坡坡简直美如仙境。先生说,他想要在这个地方安家立业,然后生几个孩子,每天带着孩子们出门找蚂蚱,蚂蚁,青蛙……然后再带着孩子们回家泡澡睡觉觉。
Austria-Gosau On my way to Hallstatt last July, I stumbled into this hillside, Gosau. At seven o'clock in the evening, this small slope is as beautiful as a fairyland. The husband said that he wanted to settle down in this place, have a few children, take the children out every day to find grasshoppers, ants, frogs... and then take the children home to take a bath and sleep.
기정서 on Google

Beutiful country~
Vanek Tamás on Google

Stunning view
Nick S on Google

Great view poonam of the village and the main area, until the snowy summits of the Alps! The surrounding area is great for photos!

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