Burgruine Rabenstein

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Burgruine Rabenstein

Address :

Kreuzweg 12, 9972 Virgen, Austria

Categories :
City : Virgen

Kreuzweg 12, 9972 Virgen, Austria
Helmuth Mayrhofer on Google

Hoch über den Ort Virgen befinden sich die Reste von Gebäuden und Mauern der einstigen Burg Rabenstein welche im 12 Jahrhundert erbaut wurde und zu einer der höchstgelegenen Burganlagen in Österreich zählt. Die Ruine befindet sich auf 1.410m Meereshöhe. Mit beeindruckenden 4.800 m² Flächenausdehnung ist die Burgruine die drittgrößte mittelalterliche Burganlage Tirols. Schon 1703 wurde die Burg aber ob ihrer Baufälligkeit wieder verlassen und durch einen späteren Brand verfiel dann die Anlage komplett. Durch umfgangreiche Sicherungs- und Sanierungsarbeiten in der Vergangenheit ist diese beeindruckende Ruine heute wieder zugänglich und bietet zudem einen wunderbaren Ausblick.
High above the village of Virgen are the remains of buildings and walls of the former castle Rabenstein which was built in the 12th century and is one of the highest castle complexes in Austria. The ruin is located at 1,410m above sea level. With an impressive surface area of ​​4,800 m², the castle ruins are the third largest medieval castle complex in Tyrol. Already in 1703, the castle was abandoned but again because of their dilapidation and then decayed by a later fire the complex completely. With extensive backup and restoration work in the past, this impressive ruin is now accessible again and also offers a wonderful view.
kern severin on Google

Belle promenade depuis Virgen. Les ruines n'ont pas beaucoup d'intérêt la vue par contre est belle. Si vous cherchez où dormir dans le coin Ferienwohnung-stadler sans hésiter à Virgen
Nice walk from Virgen. The ruins do not have much interest but the view is beautiful. If you are looking for a place to stay in the area of ​​Ferienwohnung-stadler without hesitating in Virgen
Rupert Kellermann on Google

Schöner Spaziergang mit herrlichem Ausblick ins Virgental.
Beautiful walk with a wonderful view of the Virgen Valley.
Gernot Pirker on Google

Nach einer kurzen Wanderung von Virgen über den Rastplatz erreichten wir die Burgruine. Schöne Aussicht über das Tal und interessante Einblicke in die Vergangenheit!
After a short hike from Virgen over the rest area we reached the castle ruins. Nice view over the valley and interesting insights into the past!
Jannis Lohmann on Google

Sehr schönes Ziel für eine kleine Morgenrunde. Sehr schöner Weg, die Ruine selbst dann als Rastplatz mit gutem Ausblick.
Very nice destination for a little morning lap. Very nice path, the ruin itself as a resting place with a good view.
channel max on Google

È stato uno dei castelli più grandi del Tirolo. Costruito nel XII secolo, sul luogo gia' occupato da un accampamento dei Romani, si chiamava in origine Burg Virgen. È stato motivo di contesa tra i Conti del Tirolo ed i Vescovi di Salisburgo ed ha persino resistito anche ad un assedio dei Turchi nel 1693. Abbandonato all'inizio del XVIII secolo, è andato progressivamente in rovina. Oggi ne restano solo mura sbrecciate ed un piccolo edificio ( con resti di affreschi) in posizione elevata ( si trova a 1400 metri di altezza...). Si raggiunge con un sentiero in salita, che parte vicino alla banca del villaggio vicino. Si visita liberamente ( bello il panorama).
It was one of the largest castles in Tyrol. Built in the 12th century, on the site already occupied by a Roman camp, it was originally called Burg Virgen. It was a source of contention between the Counts of Tyrol and the Bishops of Salzburg and even resisted a siege by the Turks in 1693. Abandoned at the beginning of the 18th century, it gradually fell into disrepair. Today only crumbling walls and a small building (with remains of frescoes) remain in an elevated position (it is 1400 meters high ...). It can be reached by an uphill path, which starts near the bank of the neighboring village. You can visit it freely (the view is beautiful).
Jacek Wojtasiński on Google

Very nice place. Really quiet and lovely views.
Kamil Jancak on Google

Beautiful place, little difficult way to up, but awesome views to the valley, city of Virgen and opposite mountains

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