
5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact alpine-yoga

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Zollerstraße 6, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Phone : 📞 +79
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City : Innsbruck

Zollerstraße 6, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Julia Chemnitz on Google

Helene ist für mich eine der tollsten Yogalehrerinnen, die ich kenne. Die Yogalehrerausbildung bei Helene war für mich unglaublich bereichernd. Ihre Yogastunden sinf frisch, abwechslungsreich und Helene ist sehr klar und authentisch!! Absolut zu empfehlen!!
For me, Helene is one of the greatest yoga teachers I know. The yoga teacher training with Helene was incredibly enriching for me. Her yoga classes are fresh, varied and Helene is very clear and authentic !! Absolutely to be recommended !!
Simone Huemer on Google

Helene ist einzigartig in ihrer Art zu Unterrichten, und auf jeden individuell einzugehen ist ihre große Stärke. Kraftvolle flows gehören ebenfalls in ihren Einheiten dazu wie auch erdende ruhige Sequenzen. Die Yogalehrer-Ausbildung bei Helene 2017 auf Griechenland werde ich immer in Erinnerung behalten, sie hat mich in meiner persönlichen Entwicklung stark geprägt!
Helene is unique in her way of teaching, and approaching each one individually is her great strength. Powerful flows are also part of their units as well as earthy calm sequences. I will always remember the yoga teacher training with Helene in Greece in 2017, it has had a strong impact on my personal development!
Catharina W on Google

Yoga mit Helene ist eine absolute Bereicherung in jeder Hinsicht. Ihr Wissen ist sehr umfangreich und sie gestaltet ihren Unterricht sehr ganzheitlich...mental, körperlich & auch was die Gesundheit betrifft. Ihre Klassen sind abwechslungsreich, immer sehr kreativ & regen zu persönlichem Wachstum an. Das Yoga Teacher Training war genauso umfangreich, lehrreich und absolut wunderschön gestaltet wie ihre Stunden das bereits vorher vermuten ließen.
Yoga with Helene is an absolute asset in every way. Her knowledge is very extensive and she designs her teaching very holistically ... mentally, physically & also in terms of health. Your classes are varied, always very creative & encourage personal growth. The yoga teacher training was just as extensive, instructive and absolutely beautifully designed as your lessons previously suggested.
Monika Königshofer on Google

Yoga mit Helene ist einzigartig. Die sehr lehrreichen Yogastunden sind ein Genuss für Körper, Geist und Seele. Und sie gestaltet die Yogaeinheiten immer interessant, außergewöhnlich und inspirierend. Immer nah an die eigenen Grenzen zu gehen und trotzdem bei sich bleiben, das erlebe ich bei Ihren Yogastunden. Ich schätze sie sehr als Yogalehrerin und bin sehr froh, dass ich bei Helene die Yogalehrerausbildung gemacht habe. Danke liebe Helene!??
Yoga with Helene is unique. The very instructive yoga classes are a pleasure for body, mind and soul. And she always makes the yoga units interesting, extraordinary and inspiring. Always pushing your own limits and still staying with yourself, that's what I experience in your yoga classes. I value her very much as a yoga teacher and I am very happy that I did the yoga teacher training with Helene. Thank you dear Helene! ??
Soulmind222722 on Google

Adriana Vasquez on Google

I met Helene during a Yoga Fest and have followed her work ever since. She has a beautiful capacity to transmit her knowledge and what she has to offer to this world through her teaching. Highly recommended.
Iris Falkensteiner on Google

I met Helene in 2013 in the Yogashala Innsbruck and was instantly impressed with her presence. I moved abroad in 2015 but luckily met her again on Instagram in 2020 where she offers free yoga classes. (Yes, she is incredibly generous.) I LOVE her classes (which are taught in German). Time flies in her kind and gentle presence and every time I learn something new. The level is just right for me, not too easy and not too difficult. What's more, now in her pregnancy she is still fitter than I have ever been. I am happy to say that I have found in her my favourite yoga teacher yet and I hope that she will keep her classes online for a very long time to come. A heartfelt thank you, Helene! ??
Alexandra Kiener on Google

Helene is a great yoga teacher and a wonderful soul :) I did my 200h Yoga Teacher Training with Helene and it was at an extraordinary level - extremely well structured, great lessons for both teaching and assisting and powerful yoga sessions. If you love Vinyasa Flow and powerful yoga then Helene is your teacher. Would definitely do it again!

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