Zur Goldenen Gams

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zur Goldenen Gams

Address :


Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://www.stubaier-gletscher.com/skigebiet/restaurants/bedienungsrestaurants/zur-goldenen-gams/
Categories :
City : Neustift im Stubaital

Floris Paalman on Google

Really bad service and food is also not worth it
Jos Schreur on Google

I dont know wat happend, but the quallity is less than the years before. The menu contains half the dishes and I had to wait 40 minuten for a pizza. So my ski mates had already finished there dessert.
Nemanja Avramovic on Google

Too many people especially for lunchtime. Not enough place for everyone to sit or stand which creates incidents. Uncomfortable atmosphere. Too few waiters that are overwhelmed and not very happy. Waiting times too long. Terrace filled with smokers. On the other hand Kaiserschmarren was good but not warm. View is nice.
Lubomir Krabac on Google

Be careful with ordering pizza. It may come with ash on the top and as explained later by one of their waitresses, a cook has to prepare around 600 (!!) pizzas every day, so some ash inside the meal cannot be considered as an issue. However, Kaiserschmarrn was delicious, despite of fact it was served medium warm (cold), same as the pizza. All in all, meals were tasty and carbon-rich, terrace offered very nice views of the mountains. The waitress who served us was not apparently the employee of the month, but maybe other employees are better motivated.
Mercedes Topiary on Google

I have mixed opinions about this “restaurant”. Most of the personal is really friendly and the food is indeed good. But we had some issues with seating which never happened before. Normally you can sit wherever you want but today it wasn’t possible. There was a sign which said “reserved” and we asked if the whole area is blocked and the guy called Robin said “no the area is not available”. We were pretty wondered why because the had a lot of stuff as usual to serve those tables. But we respected it. After like 5 minutes a woman just walked into the area and sat down. The guy was really unfriendly to her and said that she should not sit down there but anyway he is opening the area right now. Normally this would be a big deal but we felt like getting pranked by this guy. So we tried to talk to the guy to find out what was the problem that we wanted to sit there. Instead of giving us a reasonable answer he got really angry and nearly started shouting and spoke out threats like “You don’t want to see me getting mad”. I was just shook what is happening. This experience was very disappointing because he just ruined a quite reasonable feedback. After another service personal asked if everything is okay and we told the story and they were like “yep sorry this is our system” But it didn’t seem like a system, if they would have a system they wouldn’t just open and close areas like they want.
Tomek Wąs on Google

It really depends on your luck I guess. One time, a wonderful friendly waitress brings you a delicious hirsh goulash or fried potatoes, other time the waiter seems to have other important things to do, and in the end brings you an overpriced sandwich. But overall, out of 4 times I've been there, 3 times I left with a joy and good energy for further skiing :)
Arthur on Google

The pizza was sweet, like someone did sugar in the tomato sauce. And I paid twenty euros for a pizza and beverage. I waited fourty minutes for it. Conclusion: bring your own food.
wmv on Google

I have never been that disappointed by food before. The "Original Viennese Schnitzel" was waaayyy to expensive and definitely not worth it. I got HALF of what you would usually get for a "Original Viennese Schnitzel", it was barely warm, quite raw and had no taste. I have never complained about food before but this was anything but good. And for a ridiculous price of almost 24€!!!

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