ZIMA Wien GmbH - Plankengasse 7

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact ZIMA Wien GmbH

Address :

Plankengasse 7, 1010 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
Postal code : 1010
Website : http://www.zima.at/
Categories :
City : Wien

Plankengasse 7, 1010 Wien, Austria
Wang Yaqin on Google

Feride Deveciler on Google

Fehler wurden bislang behoben.
Bugs have been fixed so far.
Yasar Malik on Google

M on Google

Nach eigener Erfahrung: Nachlässige bis gar keine Reaktion auf bekundetes Kaufinteresse! Auweia, was soll denn werden, wenn's später mal notwendige Nachbesserungen geben muss?! Ich habe da ein saublödes Gefühl!
According to my own experience: Negligent or no reaction to customer interest! Auweia, what should be the case if there has to be necessary improvements later ?! I have a bad feeling!
Doris on Google

Hoch professionell, super freundlich, das Zima-Team ist einfach top!
Highly professional, super friendly, the Zima team is simply great!
N I on Google

Zima公司在维也纳22区Kirschblüte的建筑共三栋,三栋楼之间全是扎堆儿建!不仅在购房合同签了5个月之后,才看到配置样品,晕倒!性价比极差,材料一般般,毫无新意忧如剩余材料!!!如此,在售价上每平方米巨贵!犹如被蒙皮!如果你想修改线路,或加个水管或者加个插座之类的,改个地板之类的,那就更是贵得离谱,令人瞠目结舌!比如,修改费用1500欧元,最后加上各类名目繁多的附加费用,需再➕一番,如此, 让人望而却步!明着告诉你,有理抠刮钱!处处转包,除此,售楼房服务态度非常非常非常糟糕!如仔细询问一下具体的,更是毫无耐心!
Zima has three buildings in Kirschblüte in the 22nd district of Vienna. All three buildings are built together! Not only 5 months after signing the house purchase contract, I saw the configuration sample and fainted! The cost performance is extremely poor, the materials are so-so, and there is nothing new to worry about like the remaining materials! ! ! So, the price per square meter is huge! As if being skinned! If you want to modify the line, or add a water pipe or a socket, or change the floor, it is even more ridiculously expensive, it is jaw-dropping! For example, the modification fee of 1500 euros, and finally adding a variety of additional fees for a variety of names, need to ➕ some more, so, it is prohibitive! Let me tell you clearly, just pick your money! Subcontracting everywhere, apart from this, the sales service attitude is very, very bad! It is even more impatient if you ask about it in detail!
samih Ballich on Google

Unheimlich unprofessionell. Verkaufsstart wurde mehrfach verschoben. Lediglich 1 Mal wurde auf die Verzögerung hingewiesen. Am Telefon werden leichtfertig wieder falsche Versprechungen über den Verkaufsstart gemacht. Niemals haben diese Aussagen gestimmt. Man hat das Gefühl als interessierter Käufer ein Bittsteller zu sein.
Terribly unprofessional. Sales start was postponed several times. The delay was only pointed out once. On the phone, false promises about the start of sales are frivolously made again. These statements have never been true. As an interested buyer, you have the feeling of being a supplicant.
Chowi P. on Google

I am an owner of a room in this building. From the starting until the end of project, the sale representative and staffs coordinated very well with me as their customer as well as the lawyer process. No difficulty or complication for those steps in 2 years. I can say that I happy with the project. " Work professionally with good price".

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