Wiener Graben Steinbruch

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Wiener Graben Steinbruch

Address :

4310 Mauthausen, Austria

Categories :
City : Mauthausen

4310 Mauthausen, Austria
Nasuh Ergüner on Google

Sieglinde Stütz on Google

DRakeTR of KBam on Google

Schade, dass dieser Ort nicht mehr zugänglich ist.
Too bad that this place is no longer accessible.
Normann Steidl on Google

Sehenswert ! Besser Zoomen und kommentieren unter der Google Eingabe - Flickr Steidl Normann
Worth seeing ! Better zoom in and comment on Google input - Flickr Steidl Normann
Dario Cavallini on Google

La famosa scalinata della morte di Mauthausen
Mauthausen's famous stairway of death
Florian Brachmayer - Actikk on Google

Sehr merkwürdiger Ort mit einer gewissen Seele! Man merkt das hier etwas in der Luft liegt! Dennoch ist es ein von Natur aus sehr schöner Ort mit sehr gewaltigen Felsformationen
Very strange place with a certain soul! You can tell that there is something in the air here! Nevertheless, it is a naturally very beautiful place with very huge rock formations
Joan Ramon Zaballos Rubio on Google

La Wiener Graben (la gravera vienesa) era el lloc on els presoners havien de recollir les pedres i pujar-les per les “escales de la mort” fins a dalt del camp. Ara al peu d’aquesta pedrera hi ha un gran toll d’aigua i varios plafons explicatius del que es feia i del que passava allà.
The Wiener Graben (the Viennese gravel pit) was the place where prisoners had to pick up the stones and climb the “death stairs” to the top of the camp. Now at the foot of this quarry is a large pool of water and several panels explaining what was done and what was happening there.
Sven-olaf van Slijpe *Old-Hickory* on Google

After seeing the Movie --The Photographer of Mauthausen--, you look at these pictures completely different....:-(

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