Veterinary Practice Vienna West - Hauptstraße 114

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Veterinary Practice Vienna West

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Hauptstraße 114, 1140 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 1140
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City : Wien

Hauptstraße 114, 1140 Wien, Austria
Walter Geppert on Google

Nach mehreren erfolglosen Besuchen bei anderen Tierärzten sind wir mit unserem Chinchilla-Böckchen Jesse James auf Empfehlung bei Dr. Colcuc als Tierarzt mit Spezialisierung als Dermatologe gelandet, der mit großem Engagement die gravierenden Hautprobleme unseres geliebten Haustieres behandelt hat und nach Laboruntersuchungen und zunächst konventionellen Therapien mit einer für diese Tierart neuartigen Laserbehandlung einen großartigen Erfolg erzielte. Er hat dabei nicht nur seine fachliche Kompetenz unter Beweis gestellt, sondern auch eine besondere Fürsorge für seine Patienten an den Tag gelegt. Wir haben uns bei ihm und seinen Assistentinnen stets bestens betreut gefühlt und können die Tierklinik Wien West wirklich nur nachdrücklich empfehlen. So wünscht man sich einen Tierarzt.
After several unsuccessful visits to other vets, we and our male chinchilla Jesse James went to Dr. Colcuc ended up as a veterinarian specializing as a dermatologist, who treated the serious skin problems of our beloved pet with great commitment and, after laboratory tests and initially conventional therapies, achieved great success with a laser treatment that was new for this animal species. He not only demonstrated his professional competence, but also showed special care for his patients. We have always felt very well looked after by him and his assistants and can really only strongly recommend the Vienna West Veterinary Clinic. This is how you want a vet.
Stefanie Kausel on Google

Sehr professionell und freundlich. Hr. Dr. nimmt sich Zeit für das Tier und strahlt eine Ruhe aus, die auf das Tier und die nervöse ,,Tiermama" über geht. Wenn notwendig, kommen wir gerne wieder. Hier ist das Tier in guten Händen. Empfehlenswerter Tierarzt mit super Team.
Very professional and friendly. Mr. Dr. takes time for the animal and exudes a calm that goes over to the animal and the nervous "animal mom". If necessary, we will be happy to come back. Here the animal is in good hands. Recommended vet with a great team.
Marianne Rieger on Google

Dr. Colcuc und sein Team sind die Besten! So liebevoll, einfühlsam und kompetent im Umgang mit seinen vierbeinigen Patienten und beruhigend für die oft nervöse „Hundemama“ Unsere Lilly freut sich immer wenn wir in der Tierklinik zu Besuch sind? Wir fühlen uns gut aufgehoben. Danke an Dr. Colcuc und sein Team!
dr Colcuc and his team are the best! So loving, sensitive and competent in dealing with his four-legged patients and calming for the often nervous "dog mom" Our Lilly is always happy when we visit the veterinary clinic ? We feel in good hands. thanks to dr Colcuc and his team!
Wolfgang Kuba on Google

Wir sind jetzt schon einige Jahre in der Tierklinik Wien West. Dr. Colcuc und sein Team sind sehr kompetent und einfühlsam. Unser Kater Gipsy musste von 6 Jahren eingeschläfert werden, Dr. Colcuc hat ihm einen würdevollen letzten Weg ermöglicht und auch ehrliche Anteilnahme gezeigt. Mit unseren jetzigen Katzen Luke und Leia sind wir natürlich bei Dr. Colcuc und dort in besten Händen. Vielen Dank dafür.
We have been at the Tierklinik Wien West for a number of years now. dr Colcuc and his team are very competent and sensitive. Our tomcat Gipsy had to be put down at the age of 6, Dr. Colcuc gave him a dignified last way and also showed sincere sympathy. With our current cats Luke and Leia, we are of course with Dr. Colcuc and there in the best of hands. Thanks a lot for this.
M. Sautner on Google

Wir waren mit unserem Hund wegen einer Zahnstein Entfernung da, leider mussten einige Zähne gezogen werden. Wir wurden sehr freundlich empfangen und Aufgeklärt! Die Entscheidung war richtig, denn unserem Hund geht es jetzt wieder gut. Es frisst viel besser als zuvor, ich kann diese Klinik nur weiter empfehlen!! ???
We were there with our dog for a tartar removal, unfortunately some teeth had to be extracted. We were welcomed very friendly and informed! The decision was right, because our dog is now fine again. It eats much better than before, I can only recommend this clinic! ???
Andrea Niklas on Google

Nach langem suchen nach einen kompetenten Tierarzt, sind wir nun endlich angekommen! Sehr einfühlsam und nimmt sich viel Zeit auch für die Erklärung der Diagnose! Auch die Assistentinen hegen einen liebevollen Umgang mit den Tieren! Wir kommen immer wieder gerne!
After a long search for a competent veterinarian, we have finally arrived! Very empathetic and takes a lot of time to explain the diagnosis! The assistants also have a loving relationship with the animals! We're always happy to come back!
Eckhart Layuza on Google

Not recommend at all. I don't know how many ppl work there, am talking about 2 persons that was not acting like professionals. With my dog i had really bad experience. They were not treating my dog's allergies they were giving only cortisone which was going to make my dog blind. There is a big old guy who did that, wrong diagnosis and i saw something there that was really unprofessional. There was a girl who is not gentle with animals. I saw she was taking a dog out from surgery. That dog was not awake from narcosis and couldn't walk properly, that girl was not paying attention to what she is doing, and when she open the door she hit dogs head with door, it was black old Labrador. I feel sorry for that dog and asking ppl not to leave their pets there alone. I didn't like that girl from firs day i saw her how she is with animals, that person should not be close to any animals. I don't know who has good experience there but i didn't. And am not talking about everyone who works there only those 2 persons are who were not professional at all. Now i find another doctor who really doea love animals and helped my dog when in this clinic they said u can't do anything but giving cortisone. Just want to say that my dog's problem is gone and u were doing everything wrong with my dog. And am so happy that i never let that girl touch my dog.
Ruth S.S on Google

I'm very happy to have found this vet for my cats. They are really nice, and try their best to give you an appointment last minute. My cat was sick (nothing mayor), but they ask for a follow up appointment to see how the cat was doing. Another time my appointment was cancelled from their side (the vet was sick), and they called and texted me. Overall very good service and reasonable price.

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