Tri-border CZ - AT - DE - Tri-border CZ / AT / DE

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tri-border CZ / AT / DE

Address :

4164 Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald, Austria

Postal code : 4164
Categories :
City : Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald

4164 Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald, Austria
Jana Brozkova on Google

Kousek od Plechého člověk přijde na průsečík 3 států, který připomínají nejen cedule s nápisem "Pozor, státní hranice" v češtině i slovenštině, ale také kámen a někdy i vlaječky všech tří států. Je odtud vidět i na Třístoličník.
Not far from Plechý, a person comes to the intersection of 3 states, which is reminded not only by signs with the inscription "Attention, state borders" in Czech and Slovak, but also stone and sometimes the flags of all three states. You can also see Třístoličník from here.
Árpád Erőss on Google

Böhmenwald, schöne Gegend, mit eine Sichtweite bei Schönwetter mehr als 100 km in alle Richtungen. Gipfelkreuz ist bei Plöckenstein auch schön mit Edelweiss am Mitte.
Bohemian Forest, beautiful area, with visibility in good weather more than 100 km in all directions. The summit cross at Plöckenstein is also beautiful with Edelweiss in the middle.
Milos Peltan on Google

Tady je moc krásně. Lidi se zde setkávají a nikdo neřeší co se děje ve světě. Zato moc všem děkuji. Aspoň jedno z mála míst kde je vše jak má být.
It's very beautiful here. People meet here and no one solves what is happening in the world. Thank you very much to everyone. At least one of the few places where everything is as it should be.
daniel Keplinger on Google

Emmanuel Jefrey on Google

Kretek Samsung on Google

One of the points where three borders meet. This one attracts a lot of hikers and not only from the three surrounding countries. U could hear other languages as well. It's not as hard as some other three-points, but still expect a challenging hike
Ed Bouwman on Google

What a great view from this place!! The walk is a bit far and in our case it was slippery. The best way to start this trip is to park your car at the Dreisesselparkplatz. Just follow the signs and the border stones to the tripoint. Tip: Take some water and warm clothing with you. It can be chilly on the top of the mountain.
Michal Brom on Google

My most favourite hike. By car to Nová Pec, catch a train to Nové Údolí and then over Třístoličník/Dreisesselberg - this spot and Plechý/Plockenstein back to Nová Pec. 8h of walk, simple terrain and fabulous views.

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