Traktorbahn - Märchenparkweg 1

4.3/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Traktorbahn

Address :

Märchenparkweg 1, 7062 St. Margarethen im Burgenland, Austria

Phone : 📞 +877
Postal code : 7062
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Categories :

Märchenparkweg 1, 7062 St. Margarethen im Burgenland, Austria
Szabolcs Kámán on Google

Laszlo Racz on Google

Tetszett a gyerekeknek, csak hosszú volt a sor.
The kids liked it, it was just a long queue.
Ein Google-Nutzer on Google

Man fährt mit Traktoren auf der Bahn. Vier Sitzplätze. Einer muss immer auf das Gaspedal treten. Traktoren in unterschiedlichen Farben. Lustige Sprüche am Kennzeichen und schöne Umgebung. Etwas veraltet. Oft eine lange Schlange. Aus dem Fenster der Warteschlange sieht man zur Schweinchenbahn.
You drive with tractors on the train. Four seats. One must always step on the gas pedal. Tractors in different colors. Funny sayings at the mark and beautiful environment. A bit dated. Often a long line. From the window of the queue you can see the piggy-train.
Pavol Cvíčela on Google

Na jazdu cez vidiecku krajinu nastúpite do traktorov s typickými menami ako Mitzi alebo Rosi. Deti môžu traktor sami viesť, pokiaľ nohou dočiahnu na pedál (my sme žiadny pedál nestláčali). Ale nebojte sa, jazda je bezpečná na určených koľajniciach. Ide sa cez obrobené políčka s naozajstným šalátom, repami a tekvicami, popri strašiaku s prostorekými havranmi a ďalej uprostred je maštaľ so zajacmi, kravami a ovcami. Gazda s harmonikou sprevádza vašu jazdu svojimi vzletnými pesničkami.
To drive through the countryside, get on tractors with typical names like Mitzi or Rosi. Children can drive the tractor themselves as long as they reach the pedal with their feet (we did not depress any pedals). But don't worry, driving is safe on designated rails. It goes through cultivated fields with a real salad, beets and pumpkins, next to a scarecrow with spacious ravens and further in the middle is a barn with hares, cows and sheep. The accordion with the accordion accompanies your ride with its take-off songs.

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