Edelsteinmine - Märchenparkweg 1

3.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Edelsteinmine

Address :

Märchenparkweg 1, 7062 St. Margarethen im Burgenland, Austria

Phone : 📞 +877
Postal code : 7062
Categories :

Märchenparkweg 1, 7062 St. Margarethen im Burgenland, Austria
Kevin Andert on Google

Pavol Cvíčela on Google

Atrakcia za extra poplatok. Je to dobré učenie ako ryžovať, ale nič extra oproti ostatným atrakciám bez extra poplatku. Tu sa učia deti ako sa ryžovalo kedysi zlato. Musíte si zakúpiť za vysokú cenu malý sáčik z hlinou, kde sú ukryté kúsky ocele. Tie potom v tečúcej vode v koryte ryžujete. Ak niečo naryžujete tak si to môžete porovnať so vzorkovníkom, aby ste presne vedeli druh ocele identifikovať. Je to dobré, len ak sem chodíte každý deň, lebo iné bezplatné atrakcie sú zaujímavejšie.
Attraction for extra fee. It's a good learning how to rice, but nothing extra compared to other attractions at no extra charge. Here children learn how gold was once used for rice. You have to buy for a high price a small bag made of clay, where pieces of steel are hidden. You then rice them in running water in the riverbed. If you are cutting something, you can compare it to a sampler to know exactly the type of steel. It's only good if you come here every day, because other free attractions are more interesting.

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