Rinnerberger Wasserfall

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rinnerberger Wasserfall

4592 Oberschlierbach, Austria
Sebastian K on Google

Festes Schuhwerk und Trittsicherheit sind vorrausgesetzt, dann steht einer Tour nichts mehr im Weg.
Sturdy shoes and surefootedness are required, then nothing stands in the way of a tour.
Stefan Kaar on Google

Sehr schöner Wasserfall in einer wunderbaren Gegend. Der Wanderweg ist teilweise ein wenig steil. Geübte Wanderer sollten die eine oder andere Passage jedoch problemlos bewältigen können. Überall gibt es Wasserspiele zu sehen und auch zu hören. Festes Schuhwerk für den Weg ist ganzjährig empfehlenswert.
Very nice waterfall in a wonderful area. The trail is a little steep in places. Experienced hikers should be able to cope with one or the other passage without any problems. There are water features to see and hear everywhere. Solid footwear for the trail is recommended all year round.
Auster Pictures on Google

Super gemütlicher Weg durch den Wald. Leichte Steigung am Weg ist aber für Jung und Alt leicht zu meistern. Die schönen Plätzchen Immer wieder am Bach entlang laden zum verweilen ein.
Super comfortable path through the forest. The slight incline on the way is easy to master for young and old. The beautiful spots Again and again along the stream invite you to linger.
Markus Meier on Google

Zoltán Varga on Google

Roland Hackl on Google

Awesome natural and beautiful location
Szigeti Laszlo on Google

It is a beautiful place, relatively close to the road. Absolutely worth to visit.
Christina Kaur on Google

Beautiful, isolated waterfall in a stunning canyon! National park website describes this as a medium difficult hike, but parts of it are definitely more advanced. Surrounding trails to get to the falls are maintained, but once you start heading into the gorge they are not. After the foot bridge the trail is very rugged and steep in places. There is a lot of loose, slippery rocks. We went after a the heavy spring snow melted and witnessed numerous small landslides of rocks and debris due to the earth being very saturated still. Be mindful of your surroundings if you go after heavy rain or snow. While I think the falls are a good place for families, it is not suitable for younger children. There are no WC or drinking fountains. Wearing long pants is advised. The trail is very narrow in the gorge, and is lined by nettles nearly all the way up. We started our hike on trail 25 near Waldenklause and spent about 3 hours on our little adventure. Enjoy ?

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