Rendezvoushookahzone - Leogangerstraße 30a

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rendezvoushookahzone

Address :

Leogangerstraße 30a, 5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, Austria

Phone : 📞 +997
Postal code : 5760
Website :
Categories :

Leogangerstraße 30a, 5760 Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer, Austria
yesim poyraz on Google

Einzigartiges Essen Supper Shias Aussicht und Ambiente traumhaft Weiter so ???
Unique food Super Shia Fantastic view and ambience Keep it up ???
Musa Cicek on Google

Sehr freundlich und super Ausblick dazu kommt natürlich das Geschmack von der Küche wunderbar
Very friendly and a great view, of course, the taste of the kitchen is wonderful
Sebi S. on Google

Musik zu laut, Ambiente nicht das angenehmste und die Shisha leider auch nicht wirklich gut. Für einen Abend ganz in Ordnung aber werden nicht wiederkommen.
Music too loud, ambience not the most pleasant and the shisha unfortunately not really good either. Okay for an evening but won't be back.
Miki Gundogdu on Google

Christian Ivic on Google

Best shisha pretty waitress and friendly ???
Ali Karam on Google

Amazing shisha. Service was fast and the staff was friendly.
esmael alanazi on Google

Indeed, this shishah lounge is the best & comfort place in ze lam see and the prices is reasonable also thanks for the the waitress are Nure and Burkan for thire kind welcoming and service. I like it the place and I recommend it for all??
BaSSaM on Google

Lovely shisha lounge where they can offer different types of good shisha and double apples is my favorite. Beside, friendly staff and reasonable prices.

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