PEN-Cargo GmbH

2.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact PEN-Cargo GmbH

Address :

Maukenbach 18a, 6241 Radfeld, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
Categories :
City : Radfeld

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Buna, am sa va povestesc experienta mea cu firma Pen -Cargo Gmbh :Avem un Camion e o societate nou infintata in care cautam de munca din toate mail trimise sa nimerit sa trimitem un mail la firma Nothegger care are sediu aceias structura cu Pen -Cargo Gmbh care ne suna pentru o colaborare ,in discutia avuta la telefon raminem deacord: ce lucrez in luna in curs vom fi platiti in luna urmatoare in data de 01,02,03 din inceputul luni. Incep munca din data de 12/04/2017 lucrez luna pina la sfirsit incep urmatoarea luna in data de 02/05/2017 intreb cind fac varsamintul in cont pe luna trecuta la care ei spun ca platesc la 30 zile dupa luna terminata in concluzie acordul facut cu ei lau schimbat .Persoana cu care mam inteles era un conational care saracul a intrat in jocul murdar al firmei Pen Cargo reprezentat de Christian Kovacevic .In discutia despre cind imi fac varsamintul imi spune ca trebuie sa vorbim cu persoana care am facut intelegerea verbal la care sunt deacord cobor din oficiu si merg la camion cu intentia sa astept urmatoarea zi sa vina persoana care am facut intelegerea, dupa, in circa 30 minute vine la mine o persoana care imi spune ca sa merg sa incarc la 500 de metri la ei la Notheger pentru lidl Sesto al Reghena (it) km 405 la care eu raspund eu nu mai am motorina in rezervor nu pot sa va fac cursa, insiste si imi spuna eu merg la banca si iti dau 400 euro zis si facut,eu ramin in parcare la ei dupa care iese Christian Kovacevic pe geam si striga sa merg la incarcat ca bani sunt acolo ,merg incarc dupa care merg si fac 200 litri de motorina din cei 400 euro platesc autostrada brenero + vipiteno -trento ajung la descarcat descarc marfa la lidl dupa care sun si anunt ca am descarcat la care imi trimite incarcare dar eu nu aveam posibilitate sa onorez comanda di cauza ca nu mai aveam bani cursa era pentru Germania si refuz cursa pe motiv intemeiat ca eu nam bani si sa faca varsamint pe luna trecuta de valoarea integrala .Suntem in data 17/05/2017 in Friuli Venezia Giulia blocati din cauza ca nu mai avem bani,in concluzie feritiva de Pen Cargo Gmbh sau Nothegger e aceias treaba !!!
Hello, I will tell you my experience with the company Pen -Cargo Gmbh: We have a Truck is a new company in which we are looking for work from all the mail sent and it was decided to send an email to the company Nothegger which has the same structure with Pen -Cargo Gmbh calling us for a collaboration, in the discussion we had on the phone we agree: what I work in the current month we will be paid in the next month on 01.02.03 from the beginning of the month. I start work from 12/04/2017 I work the month until the end I start the next month on 02/05/2017 I ask when I pay the deposit in the account last month to which they say I pay 30 days after the month ended the agreement made with them changed. The person I understood was a national who the poor man got into the dirty game of Pen Cargo company represented by Christian Kovacevic. In discussing when I am doing the vomit tells me that we have to talk to the person who made the verbal agreement I agree to get out of the office and go to the truck with the intention of waiting for the next day to come the person who made the agreement, then, in about 30 minutes a person comes to me who tells me to go to load 500 meters to them to Notheger for the leader Sesto al Reghena (it) km 405 to which I respond I no longer have diesel in the tank I can not race you, insist and tell me I go to the bank and give you 400 euros said and done, I stay in parking at them after which Christian Kovacevic comes out the window and cries to go loaded that money is there, go load then go and make 200 liters of diesel from the 400 euros pay the brenero + vipiteno-trento highway get to the unloaded cargo to the leader after which I call and I announce that I have downloaded to which I send the charge but I could not honor the order because I did not have money for the race was for Germany and I refuse the race on the ground that I am calling for money and to pay the full amount last month. We are on the 17/05/2017 in Friuli Venezia Giulia blocked because we have no money anymore, in the final conclusion of Pen Cargo Gmbh or Nothegger is the same thing !!!

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