Outplacementberatung e.U. - New Placement - Karrierecoaching - Mooslackengasse 17

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Contact Outplacementberatung e.U. - New Placement - Karrierecoaching

Address :

Mooslackengasse 17, 1190 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +99787
Postal code : 1190
Website : http://www.outplacementberatung.co.at/
Categories :
City : Wien

Mooslackengasse 17, 1190 Wien, Austria
Nikolaus Herzog on Google

Für mich waren die Gespräche mit Michael Hanschitz jedes Mal eine sehr große persönliche Bereicherung: Wir sprachen über Ängste genauso wie über die Arbeit, die es gilt anzupacken, um in der Neuorientierung voranzukommen. Dabei hatte ich den Eindruck, dass er mich sehr gut einschätzte und genau wusste, was für mich als nächstes am sinnvollsten wäre. Seine Einladungen zur Reflexionsarbeit mit speziellen tools halfen dabei gut weiter. Mit Hartnäckigkeit gelang es ihm auch, wenn ich versuchte auszuweichen, mich dorthin zurückzuholen, worauf es ankam. Ich wusste nichts über die Größe und Wichtigkeit des verdeckten Arbeitsmarktes oder zeitgemäße Motivationsschreiben… Insgesamt eine sehr professionelle Begleitung, die mich an mein Ziel brachte - sehr zu empfehlen ! (N.Herzog, Controlling Leiter)
For me, the conversations with Michael Hanschitz were always a great personal enrichment: we talked about fears as well as the work that needs to be done in order to move forward in the reorientation. But I had the impression that he rated me very well and knew exactly what would be most useful for me next. His invitations to reflection work with special tools helped him a lot. With tenacity he also succeeded, when I tried to dodge, to bring myself back to what it was. I did not know anything about the size and importance of the hidden job market or up-to-date motivation letters ... Overall, a very professional company that brought me to my destination - highly recommended! (N.Herzog, Controlling Director)
Anita Obermann on Google

TOP! Sehr empfehlenswert! Mit dem tiefen Wunsch nach beruflicher Veränderung und Neuorientierung wurde ich sehr professionell mit vielen Inputs, Tipps uvm. auf meinem Weg begleitet. Das Coaching verändert nicht nur die berufliche Laufbahn positiv. Sehr sympathisch, empathisch und lösungsorientiert! DANKE!
TOP! Highly recommended! With the deep desire for professional change and reorientation, I became very professional with a lot of inputs, tips and much more. accompanied on my way. The coaching not only changes the professional career in a positive way. Very personable, empathetic and solution-oriented! THANKS!
markus l on Google

Mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen und Professionalität hat mich Hr. Hanschitz sehr gut auf Interviews vorbereitet und meinem Lebenslauf und meinem Motivationsschreiben den letzten Feinschliff gegeben. Und wenn ich nach einer Absage etwas demotiviert bzw. verzweifwelt war hat er mich seelisch wieder aufgebaut. Vielen Dank! M.L. Head of Finance AE Schréder Österreich
With a lot of empathy and professionalism, Mr. Hanschitz was very well prepared for interviews and gave my CV and letter of motivation the finishing touches. And when I was somewhat demotivated or desperate after a rejection, he built me ​​up mentally again. Thank you so much! M.L. Head of Finance AE Schréder Austria
Livia Gherasim on Google

The counseling sessions were very useful to me, being adjustable on my points of interest. I have learnt interesting things that helped me later to have a better approach when I looked for new opportunities in my career.
Mark Pascal on Google

Michael is an excellent, competent and well-prepared consultant, he allowed me to get several job interviews and to prepare them in the best way with trainings and excercises. His suggestions and feedback led me to find exactly the right role for me, his contacts as well with top companies in Austria helped me evaluate multiple options for my career, choosing the most rewarding and interesting role, in my case a role as Product Manager for an internation company.
A K on Google

Mr. Michael Hanschitz is very professional, made me feel comfortable right away and was able to adjust quickly to my personal situation. The sessions I had with him and the tools he showed me were interesting and very useful to me. He not only provided great feedback in regard to my CV and to the way I shall present myself in future interviews; he also contributed to my personal development and helped me become active pretty fast in order to look for new opportunities in my career. Thank you much Michael! A.K. (Games Compliance Manager)
Tony on Google

Mr Hanschitz was very helpful and provided great insight and support as well as valuable information about the job market and how to prepare well for job applications and interviews. He was also very supportive in giving advice on how to handle the difficult situation of losing one's job and managing temporary unemployment. I can only recommend to get in touch with “Outplacementberatung” while looking for new job opportunities.
Patrizio Paradiso on Google

Mr. Hanschitz accompanied me through a period of upheaval. With his humorous nature, his many impulses, he made me feel comfortable right away and was able to adjust quickly to my personal situation. I can highly recommend getting in touch with "Outplacementberatung" if you are looking for new job opportunities or you need guidance in your current professional field. Patrizio Paradiso Senior Accountant Manager

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