Ochsenschlucht - Ochsenschlucht

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ochsenschlucht

Address :

9771 Feistritz, Austria

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 9771
Website : http://www.bergimdrautal.at/
Categories :
City : Feistritz

9771 Feistritz, Austria
robin weyts on Google

Leuke om door de rivier te waden. Met wel op dat je dit enkel doet met mooi weer!
Nice to wade through the river. With the fact that you only do this with nice weather!
Ruben Fontijn on Google

Superleuk om hier doorheen te lopen met de waterschoenen aan! Met lekker weer door het water lopen, even nat worden, worstjes braden en de mooie natuur bekijken.
Great fun to walk through here with the water shoes on! Walk through the water in nice weather, get wet, roast sausages and view the beautiful nature.
Marv M. on Google

Im Sommer an heissen Tagen kann man hier wunderbar durch das Bachbett laufen und sich im Schatten der Schlucht und im kühlen Gebirgswasser erholen.
In summer on hot days you can walk wonderfully through the stream bed and relax in the shade of the gorge and in the cool mountain water.
robert achleitner on Google

Großer Abenteuerspielplatz, kneippen, Wasserfälle, Grill Plätze, Schlucht - welche zunehmend enger wird, Beeren, Kräuter entlang des Weges
Large adventure playground, kneipp, waterfalls, barbecue areas, gorge - which is becoming increasingly narrow, berries, herbs along the way
Bernhard Gambke on Google

Beeindruckende Natur und schöner Spaziergang am unteren Ende möglich. Leider kann man nicht mehr oberhalb der Staumauer mehr als ca. 200 Meter in die Schlucht hineinlaufen wie vor 2 Jahren. Anscheinend hat ein Unwetter alle seitlichen Wege vernichtet. Schade, war früher ein echtes Erlebnis über mehrere Kilometer hineinzuwandern.
Impressive nature and a nice walk possible at the lower end. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to walk more than 200 meters into the gorge above the dam wall as it was 2 years ago. Apparently a storm destroyed all of the side paths. It's a shame, it used to be a real experience to hike into it over several kilometers.
Gerrit-Jan Leusink on Google

Erg leuke en korte wandeling. Goed samen te doen met de Geisslochklamm even verderop. Je moet echt even doorbijten en het op den duur best pittige pad (als je dit een pad kunt noemen) volgen tot het eind. Al is het maar voor je eigen voldoenende gevoel. Gelopen met mijn vrouw en 6 jarige zoon. Best pittig en misschien soms een beetje onverantwoord met een 6 jarige, de stroming is op sommige plekken vrij hard.
Very nice and short walk. Good to do with the Geisslochklamm a little further on. You really have to bite through and follow the eventually quite tough path (if you can call this a path) until the end. If only for your own satisfying feeling. Walked with my wife and 6 year old son. Quite spicy and maybe a bit irresponsible with a 6 year old, the current is quite hard in some places.
Nicolò Buratti on Google

Suggestiva gola naturale scavata da un torrente dalle acque gelide, ma cristalline. Ogni anno il torrente rimodella il letto del fiume rendendolo diverso di anno in anno. Si può accedere alla gola tramite un sentiero, oppure direttamente lungo il torrente, guardandolo quando necessario. Sul luogo è possibile accedere falò e fare un bagno rigenerante.
Suggestive natural gorge carved by a stream with icy but crystalline waters. Each year the stream reshapes the river bed making it different from year to year. You can access the gorge via a path, or directly along the stream, looking at it when necessary. On the site you can access bonfires and take a regenerating bath.
Mieke Gerrits on Google

Leuke klim en klauterroute, eerste stukje is een begaanbaar pad tot de 'dam', daarna loop je direct langs het riviertje. Daarbij moet je regelmatig oversteken en krijg je zeker weten natte voeten. We liepen tot de kloof te dicht werd (foto) en het water te diep (middel). Ongeveer de rode markering op het kaartje. Op het eerste deel zijn veel gezinnen, zitten daar ook vuurtjes te stoken en te bbq-en.
Nice climb and clambering route, the first part is a passable path to the 'dam', then you walk directly along the river. You have to cross the road regularly and you will definitely get wet feet. We walked until the gorge became too close (photo) and the water too deep (medium). About the red marking on the map. On the first part there are many families, there are also stoking fires and having a barbecue.

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