Nahrungsergänzungsmittel - Harmony is Life

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Contact Nahrungsergänzungsmittel - Harmony is Life

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Franz-Josef-Straße 34 / 2, 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria

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City : Perchtoldsdorf

Franz-Josef-Straße 34 / 2, 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria
Zuzana Nagyová on Google

Milý Team Harmony is Life! Vaše produkty sú fenomenálne! Už dlhší čas riešim môj vysoký tlak všetkými možnými spôsobmi.. Vyskúšala som mnoho chemickych ale aj prírodných preparátov. Váš Arginin, Magnesium a Coenzym Q10 však priniesol ten dlho očakávaný výsledok. Je to perfektná a hlavne účinná kombinácia. Tlak sa mi pohyboval okolo 140-150 a po krátkom užívaní týchto produktov sa mi znížil na vyhovujúcu hodnotu a to takýmto prírodným spôsobom, ktorý mi bol vždy blízky. Arginin dokonca aj dobre chutí, beriem aj Reishi, dáva mi pocit wellnes čaju. Týmto spôsobom, pomocou užívaní týchto produktov pociťujem a dosahujem harmonizáciu tela a duše. Cítim maximálnu spokojnosť a teším sa na každodenný príjemný rituál.
Dear Team Harmony is Life! Your products are phenomenal! I have been dealing with my high blood pressure for a long time in all possible ways. I have tried many chemical as well as natural preparations. However, your Arginine, Magnesium and Coenzyme Q10 produced the long-awaited result. It is a perfect and especially effective combination. The pressure was around 140-150 and after a short use of these products, it decreased to a satisfactory value in such a natural way, which was always close to me. Arginine even tastes good, I also take Reishi, it gives me a feeling of wellness tea. In this way, by using these products, I feel and achieve harmonization of body and soul. I feel maximum satisfaction and look forward to a pleasant daily ritual.
Peter Nosek on Google

Nach zwei Monaten Einnahme von Spirulina und Magnesium spürte ich deutlichen Anstieg meine Vitalität. Die leider sich einschleichende alltägliche Müdigkeit ( bin 71 Jahre ) ging weg und die Ausdauer bei bei meinen angemessenen sportlichen Aktivitäten hat sich gebessert. Ich bleibe dabei!
After two months of taking spirulina and magnesium, I felt a significant increase in my vitality. The daily tiredness that unfortunately crept in (I am 71 years old) went away and my stamina in my appropriate sporting activities has improved. I stick with it!
Francesca Belvisi on Google

Non esistono sul mercato integratori di qualità ed efficacia equiparabili a quelli di Harmony is Life. Inoltre sono un delizioso ingrediente per dare un tocco in più a frullati e succhi ?
There are no supplements on the market of quality and effectiveness comparable to those of Harmony is Life. They are also a delicious ingredient to add an extra touch to smoothies and juices ?
Marie Dlabiková on Google

Děkuji za produkty i krásné a sympatické uvedení do jejich užívání. Bazalka je nádherná, jemná, voňavá. Nemůžu srovnat s jinými bazalkami tulsi, které jsem do této doby ochutnala. Zlato mi kouzlí nebe na jazyku a já věřím, že i na duši. Děkuji
Thank you for the products and a beautiful and nice introduction to them. Basil is beautiful, delicate, fragrant. I can't compare it to other tulsi basil I've tasted so far. Gold conjures heaven on my tongue and I believe on my soul. Thank you
Carina Gaida on Google

Ich habe die Vitamin D+K Tabletten von Harmony is Life ausprobiert und sie haben mir sehr gut gefallen! Zuvor habe ich, da ich einen Mangel hatte, Vitamin D Tropfen eingenommen. Die Tabletten finde ich jedoch wesentlich praktischer und einfacher zum Einnehmen. Außerdem sind sie sehr schön eingepackt. Harmony is Life hat mich überzeugt!
I have tried the Harmony is Life Vitamin D+K tablets and I really like them! Before that, I took vitamin D drops because I was deficient. However, I find the tablets much more practical and easier to take. Also, they are packaged very nicely. Harmony is Life convinced me!
Karin Bukaces on Google

Ich habe die Vitamin D3+K2 Tabletten ausprobiert. Die kleinen Tabletten lassen sich angenehm einnehmen. Das ist mir persönlich sehr wichtig gewesen! Man kann sie auch im Mund zergehen lassen und da sie auch sehr gut schmecken, finde ich das super. :D Mir war es wichtig, die Gewissheit zu haben, dass in dem Produkt, auch die versprochene Qualität dahintersteht. Das hat sich bestätigt. Ich konnte die dunklen Wintertage super überbrücken. Danke, Harmony is Life!
I tried the vitamin D3+K2 tablets. The small tablets are easy to take. That was very important to me personally! You can also let them melt in your mouth and since they also taste very good, I think that's great. :D It was important to me to have the certainty that the promised quality is behind the product. That has been confirmed. I was able to get through the dark winter days really well. Thank you, Harmony is Life!
Susan Waters on Google

Using the D3+K2 vitamins is a positive way to support my health during the Covid pandemic. I like the purity of this product brand and find chewing these tablets easy to take.
Esther Jiménez on Google

Harmon is giving us the amazing and natural experience in their products. The human service and high quality that they offer is remarkable ? ? ?

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