Millesi Center für Nervenchirurgie an der Wiener Privatklinik - Pelikangasse 15

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Millesi Center für Nervenchirurgie an der Wiener Privatklinik

Address :

Pelikangasse 15, 1090 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 1090
Categories :
City : Wien

Pelikangasse 15, 1090 Wien, Austria
Веселка Ралинска on Google

Veri good ???
Data is good ???
Michael Hernandez on Google

Vielen Dank für die außerordentlich gute Organisation! Perfektes Rundumpaket in einem tollen Ambiente - Wiener Privatklinik
Thank you for the extremely good organization! Perfect all-round package in a great ambience - Vienna private clinic
Manfred Fichtinger on Google

Super Behandlungen durch Prof. Schmidhammer und sein Team . Sehr menschlich und kompetent ! Man fühlt sich sehr gut aufgehoben und top Betreut.
Great treatments by Prof. Schmidhammer and his team. Very human and competent! You feel very well looked after and well looked after.
Katharina Fichtinger on Google

Für mich der beste Arzt der ganzen Welt!!!! Ich habe noch nie so einen Menschlichen lieben Arzt gesehen . Sein Team und Herr Prof Schmidhammer geben nie auf und hören Ihren Patienten zu . Herr Prof. Schmidhammer hat mir sehr viel geholfen und immer mit Rat und Tat zur Seite gestanden !!! Beste Adresse bei Nervenleiden und Hand-Chirugie .
For me the best doctor in the whole world !!!! I have never seen such a dear human doctor. His team and Prof Schmidhammer never give up and listen to your patients. Prof. Schmidhammer helped me a lot and always stood by my side with advice and action! The best address for nervous disorders and hand surgery.
Barbara Gombkötö on Google

Nach 1,5 Jahren und zig Arztbesuchen endlich auf die richtigen Ärzte (Prof. Schmidhammer und Dr. Tsolakidis samt Team) getroffen! Geduldig, sympathisch, der Patientin zuhörend und der unbedingte Wille, auch schwierige gesundheitliche Probleme zu lösen. Herzlichen Dank!!
After 1.5 years and dozens of doctor visits, finally met the right doctors (Prof. Schmidhammer and Dr. Tsolakidis and their team)! Patient, personable, listening to the patient and the absolute will to solve difficult health problems. Thank you very much!!
Sergio Chmet on Google

Questa clinica era il punto di riferimento fino alla scomparsa del Grandissimo ed UNICO Prof. Dott. Prim. Univ. HANNO MILLESI Pioniere della mocrochirurgia e della decompressione nervosa tramite neurolisi. Io paralizzato alla gamba destra ho fatto decine di visite private da pseudo Luminari a son di centinaia di migliaia di Lire (30.03. 1999 data incidente). Il responso era sempre che visto il trauma nullasi poteva fare. Il MILLESI mi visita al 09.1999 e il 04.10.1999 mi opera alla gambadestro salendo sino a l5 per togliere un ematoma che nessuno aveva visto prima!!!! 2 interventi Risultato??? Corro cammino e salto.... Certo non come da nuovo ma al 95%. Ora questo centro ha solo ereditato il nome MILLESI ma nulla di ciò che illuminava il MILLESI ( tecnica, inventiva e professionalità con competenza unica al mondo) Risiede ancora in questa struttura divenuta da ECCELLENZA MONDIALE a quasi ambulatorio. Mi spiace per il mondo ma di MILLESI c'è ne era 1 e purtroppo gli eredi sono medici come tanti altri.
This clinic was the point of reference until the disappearance of the Great and UNIQUE Prof. Dr. Prim. Univ. HAVE THOUSANDS Pioneer of microsurgery and nerve decompression through neurolysis. Paralyzed in my right leg, I made dozens of private visits from pseudo Luminaries to hundreds of thousands of Lire (30.03. 1999 date of the accident). The response was always that given the trauma nothing could do. The MILLESI visits me on 09.1999 and 04.10.1999 I operate on the right leg going up to l5 to remove a hematoma that no one had seen before !!!! 2 interventions Result??? I run, walk and jump .... Certainly not as good as new but 95%. Now this center has only inherited the name MILLESI but nothing of what illuminated MILLESI (technique, inventiveness and professionalism with unique competence in the world) He still resides in this structure which has become a WORLD EXCELLENCE almost an ambulatory. I'm sorry for the world but there was 1 MILLESI and unfortunately the heirs are doctors like many others.
Andrada Sorana BOC on Google

Starea mea era una grava cand am ajuns la aceasta clinica si nu aveam un diagnostic cert. In urma analizelor si investigatiilor efectuate, am primit un diagnostic in mai putin de o saptamana, astfel incat am putut incepe tratatementul imediat! Am facut imunoterapie si chimioterapie pentru limfom non hodjkin stadiul IV cu multiple metastaze. Dupa numai trei cure, tumora principala mediastinala s-a redus semnificativ, iar metastazele au disparut complet. La finalizarea tratamentului am fost in REMISIE COMPLETA! Recomand tuturor aceasta clinica pentru urmatoarele motive: - medicii sunt adevarati profesionisti, care pun mult suflet in munca lor. Am simtit in fiecare clipa ca isi doresc sa ma faca bine. Il recomand pe domnul prof. Dr. W. Koestler. - atunci cand am avut complicatii a existat disponibilitate pentru a ma opera imediat un chirurg toracic de elita; am beneficiat si de transfuzii de sange atunci cand a fost necesar; de asemenea spitalul are fizioterapeuti, maseuri, dietetician; - exista un tumor board care analizeaza situatia fiecarui pacient din perspectiva mai multor specialitati, fapt pentru care si schema de tratament este una extrem de eficienta! - atmosfera calda a intregului personal al spitalului si deschiderea lor catre rezolvarea problemelor tale; - accesul la aparatura de ultima generatie, atat in imagistica, cat si in ceea ce priveste partea de chirurgie; - alegerea unor proceduri minim invazive atunci cand e posibil;
My condition was serious when I arrived at this clinic and I did not have a definite diagnosis. Following the analyzes and investigations performed, I received a diagnosis in less than a week, so I was able to start treatment immediately! I did immunotherapy and chemotherapy for non-Hodjkin stage IV lymphoma with multiple metastases. After only three cures, the main mediastinal tumor shrank significantly and the metastases disappeared completely. At the end of the treatment I was in FULL REMISSION! I recommend this clinic to everyone for the following reasons: - Doctors are true professionals, who put a lot of soul into their work. I felt every moment that they wanted to do me good. I recommend Prof. Dr. W. Koestler. - when I had complications there was an availability to operate on me immediately for an elite thoracic surgeon; I also received blood transfusions when needed; also the hospital has physiotherapists, masseurs, dietitian; - there is a tumor board that analyzes the situation of each patient from the perspective of several specialties, which is why the treatment scheme is extremely efficient! - the warm atmosphere of the entire hospital staff and their openness to solving your problems; - access to the latest generation equipment, both in imaging and in terms of surgery; - choosing minimally invasive procedures when possible;
Gert Bergmann on Google

For somebody coming from abroad, perfect service getting acquainted with the environment in preparation for the clinical surgery. All external stress factors were taken care of, and the surgery went perfect as well, of course. Prof Dr Schmidhammer, thank you very much. All pain and physical limitations gone, back to life with fun. I hope I can pay you back once!! Obrigado, Gracie Mille, Danke, Merci Beaucoup, Arigato Gozaimasu

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