Laza Kostić - SPOMEN PLOCA

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Sternwartestraße 74, 1180 Wien, Austria
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Jedan od najznacajnijih srpskih knjizevnika iz perioda romantizma. (u nastavku je jedna od najlepsih pesamo ovog velikana) Santa Maria della Salute. Oprosti, majko sveta, oprosti, što naših gora požalih bor, na kom se, ustuk svakoje zlosti, blaženoj tebi podiže dvor; prezri, nebesnice, vrelo milosti, što ti zemaljski sagreši stvor: Kajan ti ljubim prečiste skute, Santa Maria della Salute. Zar nije lepše nosit lepotu, svodova tvojih postati stub, nego grejući svetsku grehotu u pepo spalit srce i lub; tonut o brodu, trnut u plotu, đavolu jelu a vragu dub? Zar nije lepše vekovat u te, Santa Maria della Salute? Oprosti, majko, mnogo sam strado, mnoge sam grehe pokajo ja; sve što je srce snivalo mlado, sve je to jave slomio ma'; za čim sam čezno, čemu se nado, sve je to davno pepo i pra', na ugod živu pakosti žute, Santa Maria della Salute. Trovalo me je podmuklo, gnjilo, al' opet neću nikoga klet; šta god je muke na mene bilo, da nikog za to ne krivi svet: Jer, što je duši lomilo krilo, te joj u jeku dušilo let, sve je to s ove glave, sa lude, Santa Maria della Salute! Tad moja vila preda me granu, lepše je ovaj ne vide vid; iz crnog mraka divna mi svanu, ko pesma slavlja u zorin svit; svaku mi mahom zaleči ranu, al' težoj rani nastade brid: Što ću od milja, od muke ljute, Santa Maria della Salute? Ona me glednu. U dušu svesnu nikad još takav ne sinu gled; tim bi, što iz tog pogleda kresnu, svih visina stopila led, sve mi to nudi za čim god čeznu', jade pa slade, čemer pa med, svu svoju dušu, sve svoje žude, - svu večnost za te, divni trenute! - Santa Maria della Salute Zar meni jadnom sva ta divota? Zar meni blago toliko sve? Zar meni starom, na dnu života, ta zlatna voćka što sad tek zre? Oh, slatka voćko tantalska roda, što nisi meni sazrela pre? Oprosti moje gršne zalute, Santa Maria della Salute. Dve se u meni pobiše sile, mozak i srce, pamet i slast, dugo su bojak strahovit bile, ko besni oluj i stari hrast; napokon sile sustaše mile, vijugav mozak održa vlast, razlog i zapon pameti hude, Santa Maria della Salute. Pamet me stegnu, ja srce stisnu', utekoh mudro od sreće, lud, utekoh od nje - a ona svisnu. Pomrča sunce, večita stud, gasnuše zvezde, raj u plač briznu, smak sveta nasta i strašni sud - O, svetski slome, o strašni sude, Santa Maria della Salute! U srcu slomljen, zbunjen u glavi, spomen je njezin sveti mi hram, kad mi se ona odonud javi, ko da se bog mi pojavi sam: U duši bola led mi se kravi, kroz nju sad vidim, od nje sve znam zašto se mudrački mozgovi mute, Santa Maria della Salute. Dođe mi u snu. Ne kad je zove silnih mi želja navreli roj, ona mi dođe kad njojzi gove, tajne su sile sluškinje njoj. Navek su sa njom pojave nove, zemnih milina nebeski kroj. Tako mi do nje prostire pute, Santa Maria della Salute. U nas je sve ko u muža i žene, samo što nije briga i rad, sve su miline, al' nežežene, strast nam se bliži u rajski hlad; starija ona sad je od mene, tamo ću biti dosta joj mlad, gde svih vremena razlike ćute, Santa Maria della Salute. A naša deca pesme su moje, tih sastanaka večiti trag, to se ne piše, to se ne poje, samo što dušom probije zrak. To razumemo samo nas dvoje, to je u raju prinovak drag, to tek u zanosu proroci slute, Santa Maria della Salute. A kad mi dođe da prsne glava o tog života hridovit kraj, najlepši san mi postaće java, moj ropac njeno: "Evo me, naj!" Iz ništavila u slavu slava, iz beznjenice u raj, u raj! U raj, u raj, u njezin zagrljaj! Sve će se želje tu da probude, dušine žice sve da progude, zadivićemo svetske kolute, bogove silne, kamoli ljude, zvezdama ćemo pomerit pute, suncima zasut seljenske stude, da u sve kute zore zarude, da od miline dusi polude, Santa Maria della Salute.
One of the most important Serbian writers from the period of Romanticism. (below is one of the most beautiful songs of this great man) Santa Maria della Salute. I'm sorry, mother of the world, I'm sorry, what our mountains have been complaining about, to whom, the mouth of every evil, Blessed is the court; despised, heavenly, hot springs, what the earth sang thee a creature: Kajan I love you the purest cottage cheese, Santa Maria della Salute. Is not it better to wear beauty, Your vaults become pillars, rather than greedy world error burn the heart and the lobe; tonnage of the ship, worked in the plot, The devil is a hell of a dub? Is not it better to wait for you, Santa Maria della Salute? I'm sorry, mother, I'm very stubborn, Many sins themselves have repented; all that the heart bore young, All this was broken by me '; for what I am longing for, what is required, It's all been a long time ago, on the pleasant living fagot yellow, Santa Maria della Salute. I was struck by an insanity, but I will not have any cellar again; Whatever the pain was on me, that no one should blame the world for it: For the soul of the broken broom, and let her down in flight, it's all from this head, with crazy, Santa Maria della Salute! Then my fairyah handed me a branch, The more beautiful this one does not see the sight; out of the dark darkness, my sweet, when the song is celebrated in zorin svit; every one of you maimed the wound, but 'severe wound came to a brid: What will I be from a mile, out of a pang of anger, Santa Maria della Salute? She looked at me. They are conscious of the soul He never looks like that yet; That would be, which from that point of view, all the heights of ice, it offers everything to me for as long as I can, ' and the poor ones are lazy, but honey, all your soul, all your cravings, - All eternity for these wonderful moments! - Santa Maria della Salute Is it me, dear, all that dove? Does it hurt me so much? Is it old to me at the bottom of my life, that golden fruit, which is only now ripening? Oh, sweet fruit tantalum, What did you not get me mature before? Forgive my greed, Santa Maria della Salute. Two men have been killed in me, brain and heart, wit and sweetness, For a long time, the warrior was terrible, who rages storm and old oak; finally the forces caved mile, the winding brains hold power, the reason and the clamor is awesome, Santa Maria della Salute. My mind tightens, my heart squeezes, I lost wisdom from happiness, crazy, I escaped from her - and she squeezed. The sun shines, the eternal shade, the stars starve, the paradise in the wail is scary, the death of the world arises and the terrible judgment - Oh, the world's straw, about the terrible judge, Santa Maria della Salute! In his heart broken, confused in his head, the memorial is her holy temple, when she came out to me, who da my God appears to me alone: In the soul of pain, ice is my cow, through her now I see, I know everything from her why the mind-blowing brains are mute, Santa Maria della Salute. He came in my sleep. Not when she's called My wishes are filled with sweat, she came to me with her beef, secrets are the powers of her maidservant. There were new, earthly pleasures of heaven. So I spread my way to her, Santa Maria della Salute. All of us are in our husbands and wives, only it does not care and work, all are merciful, but uninvited, passion is approaching us in paradise; The older one is now from me, I'll be pretty young there, where all the time of the difference is silent, Santa Maria della Salute. And our children's songs are mine, these meetings are an eternal trail, this is not written, it does not eat, only with the soul piercing the air. We understand only the two of us, it is a lovely thing in paradise, it is only in the passion of the Prophet, Santa Maria della Salute. And when my head came to my head about this life is a gloomy end, the most beautiful dream will become a java, my crap for her: "Here I am, let it be!" From nothingness to the glory of glory, from the infidel into paradise, into paradise! In Paradise, In Paradise, In Her Hug! All wishes will be awakened here, the strings of wire all to swallow, we will see world reels, gods mighty, let alone people, We'll move the stars to the stars, sunsets shrouded in Selenium studios, that in all the corners of the dawn of fury, that from the mercy of souls they are crazy, Santa Maria della Salute.

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