Gasthaus Wasserfall

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gasthaus Wasserfall

Address :

Wasserfallstraße 12, 9544 Feld am See, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8
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Categories :
City : Feld am See

Wasserfallstraße 12, 9544 Feld am See, Austria
Paolo Corti on Google

Ci siamo fermati in questo ristorante ieri 19 agosto 2021. Il luogo è delizioso ed isolato. Purtroppo le cascatelle non sono visitabili ormai da tempo. C'erano pochi avventori ma nonostante ciò abbiamo atteso circa 40 minuti per una grigliata di carne con verdure e patatine fritte (piatto che sul menù è ordinabile minimo per due persone al costo di 19 euro a persona). Il piatto, ben presentato su di un grande vassoio da portata, aveva purtroppo una scarsa quantità di carne: un cordon blue diviso in due parti (!?), e altri piccoli pezzetti di carne grigliata. Praticamente la quantità equivalente ad una porzione ma al prezzo di due! Il tutto accompagnato da patatine fritte e due piccoli pezzetti di broccolo e di carota. Abbiamo girato in lungo e in largo la Carinzia ma è la prima volta che incontriamo un simile trattamento. Abbiamo pagato ma fatto le rimostranze alla proprietaria, una spagnola, che ha risposto in maniera piuttosto arrogante. Sconsigliato!
We stopped in this restaurant yesterday 19 August 2021. The place is delightful and isolated. Unfortunately, the waterfalls have not been visited for some time. There were few customers but despite this we waited about 40 minutes for a grilled meat with vegetables and fries (a dish that on the menu can be ordered at least for two people at a cost of 19 euros per person). The dish, well presented on a large serving platter, unfortunately had a small amount of meat: a blue cordon divided into two parts (!?), And other small pieces of grilled meat. Basically the amount equivalent to a portion but for the price of two! All accompanied by French fries and two small pieces of broccoli and carrot. We have traveled the length and breadth of Carinthia but it is the first time we have encountered such treatment. We paid but complained to the owner, a Spaniard, who replied in a rather arrogant way. Not recommended!
Kamil Smęt on Google

Miła restauracja w malowniczym miejscu, zaraz koło wartko płynącego strumienia. Posiłki wydawane do godziny 21, napoje nieco dłużej. Przyjazna obsługa. Niestety wciąż brak możliwości płatności kartą.
Nice restaurant in a picturesque place, right next to a fast flowing stream. Meals issued until 21, drinks a little longer. Friendly service. Unfortunately, there is still no possibility of card payments.
Mar G on Google

War leider zu als wir dort waren. Aber sicher Top
Unfortunately it was too when we were there. But sure top
Harald Dragan on Google

Ein verstecktes Kleinod. Gutes Gasthaus mit freundlicher Bedienung und gutem Essen zu günstigen Preisen. Gleich neben demWasserfall, der zu einem kleinen Spaziergang einlädt. Unbedingt die Gams probieren.
A hidden gem. Good inn with friendly service and good food at reasonable prices. Right next to the waterfall, which invites for a little walk. Be sure to try the gams.
Abdullah AL AMRI on Google

Good resturant and nice staff
Hidasi Péter on Google

Still closed. Seems forever. Don't come here to see the waterfall.
R. Jansen on Google

Drove here for a small climb with the kids but was disappointed to find the waterfall closed because of thunderstorms. It looks like it's not maintained properly anymore. A shame, I was excited after seeing the older pictures
Ana K on Google

Short walk from parking to Wasserfall. Beautiful nature. Suitable for children and older people ??

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