
4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gamsgrubenweg

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9844 Heiligenblut, Austria

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City : Heiligenblut

9844 Heiligenblut, Austria
Lorenzo Gusso on Google

Fantastico ! Bellissimo il percorso gallerie , strada roccia e ghiacciaio !! Tutto vissuto in una giornata davvero fortunata per l'altitudine il vento etc !! Fantastico davvero !!
Fantastic ! Beautiful path tunnels, road rock and glacier !! All lived in a day really lucky for the altitude, the wind etc !! Fantastic indeed !!
Monika Bdbg on Google

Wir sind die Großglockner Hochalpenstrasse bis oben hochgefahren. Oben kann man im Parkhaus kostenlos parken. Dann sind wir den Gamsgrubenweg entlang gewandert. Nach einer Weile kommt auf der linken Seite ein Weg der steil nach unten zum Gletscher führt, der ist recht steinig. Unten sind wir dann bis zum Gletscher vorgelaufen und dann den kompletten Weg unten am Wasser zurück, bis zur Gletscher Bahn.
We are the Grossglockner high alpine road up to the top. Above you can park in the parking garage for free. Then we hiked along the Gamsgrubenweg. After a while, on the left side, a path leads steeply down to the glacier, which is quite rocky. Below we ran to the glacier and then the complete way down the water back to the glacier railway.
Anika Werner on Google

Wer in der Nähe ist, sollte hier unbedingt wandern. Das Panorama ist einmalig schön! Unbedingt ein Fernglas einpacken. Für Kinder ist der Weg nur begrenzt spannend.
If you are nearby, you should definitely hike here. The panorama is uniquely beautiful! Be sure to pack binoculars. The path is only of limited interest for children.
channel max on Google

È il percorso che, partendo praticamente dal posteggio coperto e centro informazioni principale sulla Grossglocknerstrasse, vi porta ai piedi del ghiacciaio Pasterze. La prima parte è costituita da 6 tunnel consecutivi di circa 150/200 metri ( solo il primo è più corto), in cui troverete anche storie ed informazioni di episodi avvenuti sul Grossglockner. Poi si prosegue su un comodo e largo sentiero che sale progressivamente fino a portarvi a quasi 2600 m. di quota, vicinissimi al ghiacciaio ( dall'uscita dei tunnel ci impiegherete un'ora abbondante). Il panorama, tra dirupi, cascate ed il ghiacciaio , è stupendo. Andandoci quando c'è poca gente ( c'è ne è sempre tanta, consiglio di prima msttina), potrete incontrare camosci e marmotte.
It is the route that, starting practically from the main car park and information center on Grossglocknerstrasse, takes you to the foot of the Pasterze glacier. The first part consists of 6 consecutive tunnels of about 150/200 meters (only the first is shorter), in which you will also find stories and information of episodes that took place on the Grossglockner. Then you continue on a comfortable and wide path that gradually climbs up to take you to almost 2600 m. of altitude, very close to the glacier (it will take you an hour from the exit of the tunnels). The panorama, between cliffs, waterfalls and the glacier, is wonderful. Going there when there are few people (there is always a lot of them, I recommend first msttina), you can meet chamois and marmots.
Draganpcg on Google

Terrific view .
Martin Horvath on Google

Enjoy the ibexe at the end of the walk.
Carel Schmit on Google

A nice walk .... away from the masses at the end of the Hoch Alpen Strass.
Brian Reynolds on Google

Great hike that could even be done with a stroller. Enjoyed it immensely, even though we carried our youngest boy.

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