Freinbergkirche Hl. Maximilian

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Contact Freinbergkirche Hl. Maximilian

Address :

Freinbergstraße 32, 4020 Linz, Austria

Categories :
City : Linz

Freinbergstraße 32, 4020 Linz, Austria
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Helmuth Mayrhofer on Google

Freinbergkirche Hl. Maximilian, Jesuitenkirche Anfang des 19 Jahrhunderts ließ Erzherzog Maximilian von Österreich-Este Turmbefestigungsanlagen (Maximilianische Turmlinie) errichteten. Um sich von der Zweckmäßigkeit seiner Pläne zu überzeugen, wurde 1828 auf dem Freinberg ein Probeturm errichtet. Nachdem der Turm 1829 die Bewährungsprobe (Beschussprobe) bestanden hat, ließ er noch im selben Jahr, gleich neben dem Turm eine Kirche aus dem gleichen Bruchsteinmauerwerk erbauen.
Freinberg Church of St. Maximilian, Jesuit Church At the beginning of the 19th century, Archduke Maximilian of Austria-Este had tower fortifications (Maximilian tower line) built. In order to convince himself of the usefulness of his plans, a test tower was built on the Freinberg in 1828. After the tower passed the practical test (fire test) in 1829, it had a church built from the same rubble masonry next to the tower in the same year.
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프라인베르크의 산책로를 따라가다보면 만나는 고풍의 성당으로 주변에서 린츠시내를 비리보는 경치도 아름답다! 오스트리아의 막시밀리안 대공은 1828 년 이후 도시 방어를 위해 Freinberg에 타워를 세웠으며 1829 년에 시험을 통과 한 후 같은 해에 막시밀리안은 탑 옆에 교회를 세웠다. 1837 년에 교회는 대중에게 개방되었다.
As you walk along the promenade of Freienberg, you can see the beautiful view of the city of Linz from the surroundings. The Archangel Maximilian of Austria built a tower in Freinberg to defend the city after 1828, and in the same year after passing the test in 1829, Maximilian built a church next to the tower. In 1837, the church was opened to the public.

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