Dositej Obradovic - SPOMEN PLOCA

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Contact Dositej Obradovic - SPOMEN PLOCA

Address :

Steyrerhof 3, 1010 Wien, Austria

Categories :
City : Wien

Steyrerhof 3, 1010 Wien, Austria
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Dositej Obradovic bio je Srpski prosvetitelj i reformator. Najzasluznija licnost za budjenje nacionalne svesti i preporoda Srpskog naroda. (u nastavku je nekoliko mudrih citata ovog velikana) -Pri piću ko najmanje zna, najviše govori. -Mi smo ljudi slični pticama koje se uvek u istim mrežama hvataju, i opet neće da se čuvaju -Mudar čovek se stidi mešati u ono u čemu nije vešt, a ludom se čini da je sramota ako svuda svoj nos ne uvuče. -Navikavajmo mladež na dobro, od toga sve zavisi. -Knjige, braćo moja, knjige, a ne zvona i praporce. -Nema sramotnijeg zanata od dangube, besposlice i lenjosti. -Nikad nikoga ne valja vređati. A najmanje one koji su nam dobro učinili i ljubav pokazali. -Kad bi ljudi uvek isti ostajali, nikada nijedan narod ne bi se poboljšao ni prosvetio.
Dositej Obradovic was a Serbian educator and reformer. The most deserving person for the awakening of national consciousness and the revival of the Serbian people. (Below are some wise quotes from this great man) -When drinking, the one who knows the least speaks the most. -We are people like birds that are always caught in the same nets, and again they will not be kept - A wise man is ashamed to interfere in what he is not skilled in, and a fool seems to be ashamed if he does not stick his nose everywhere. -Let's get used to youth for good, it all depends. -Books, my brothers, books, not bells and flags. -There is no more shameful craft than danguba, idleness and laziness. - You should never insult anyone. And least of all those who did us good and showed us love. - If people always remained the same, no nation would ever improve or enlighten.

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