CodeFactory - Kettenbrückengasse 23 / 2 / 12

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

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Kettenbrückengasse 23 / 2 / 12, 1050 Wien, Austria

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City : Wien

Kettenbrückengasse 23 / 2 / 12, 1050 Wien, Austria
Jenny Wao on Google

Really good experience! I found a job :D First of all: Thank you Codefactory and thank you trainers (you know who you are..Acilio, Theo, Serri!) This month I applied for a job that Codefactory sent to my in the alumni network....and I got accepted! They liked the course portfolio I had and the group projects we did and I start next week. Of course now I have to keep learning new skills but that is life of a developer. After I read the other reviews, here is what I have to say, for those who have interest in doing the course @ Codefactory. This is the right program for you if you: .)realize that programming is hard and takes lot of effort from you, no matter how good the materials and trainers. .) are willing to spend 4 month on learning, without many side distractions .) can deal with frustration because when you learn how to program, feeling frustrated happens every day (but it gets better!!) .) enjoy being part of a group and classroom DO NOT take this course if you: .) expect teaching like in school with trainer standing at a whiteboard talking. .) want to learn this part time, next to job or other study .) don't want to spend some time trying to find solutions for your problems. Final note from me why I gave 4 instead of 5 stars: in my class we had 2 to 3 people who were constantly complaining about everything. Me and my other friends thought they don't want to really study, they just wanted to have an easy certificate. Even if things were explained before many times, they complained still. Codefactory, find a way to deal with people who are not in the right place doing a bootcamp. It is intense and not everyone handels it.
Andreas Villarreal on Google

Anyone interested in coding but wondering where and how to begin need look no further. I've been eager to learn how to code for a while, but wanted to weigh my options, as I had no prior experience, and only a limited amount of available time. Fortunately, I've had the opportunity to talk to CF alumni and instructors involved in a number of courses before taking one of my own, and was pleased with both feedback and advice by everyone involved. I ended up picking HTML/CSS as my first one, as I was concerned initially that the learning curve would be too steep for other options. I needn't have worried - the instructor quickly demystified the topics and tools, and we were able to quickly progress in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere, with a new website in the works after only two days. A few months later, I added a JavaScript course, further building and expanding on the existing groundwork There is, however, a wide array of further high-quality courses cover options with applicability and added value for both professional and private life - I've since recommended some of the other courses to interested colleagues and friends, who might even get some of them financed by their employer. Want to create a new website for your project, but don't have the time for extensive courses? (my case.) The basic HTML/CSS will get you going. Can't tell your frontend from your backend? No need to worry, there are courses on both. Interested in creating a web platform from scratch? Fullstack web developer course has you covered. Only have time in the evening or the weekends? There are courses adjusted for your schedule. I look forward to my next one.
Lia Röhrer on Google

I have completed both the html/css and the JavaScript weekend courses and will do the Full Stack as well. The weekend courses were top notch, I learned more in 2 days than in several months doing free courses online. The trainer was very encouraging, knowledgeable and helpful, answered all our questions satisfactory and was very patient when it took me a bit to understand something. The course material is very helpful. I highly recommend these weekend courses as a starting point! I will update my review when I completed the Full Stack ????????
Joe D. on Google

Proud recent graduate of the Fullstack Bootcamp!?? I just graduated from the 15-week bootcamp a few days ago and it was by far one of the best professional decisions I ever made! I was a bit weary as due to the pandemic the training was online,but Codefactory managed to create a real classroom atmosphere in our group despite it all. We had weekly lunchspeakers coming from different industries and companies to top off the learning. I never thought I would make so much progress in just 4 months. It was a very intense time with little time for other things on the side,but in hindsight I know this is probably the best way to learn and really get immersed into the mindset and lifestyle of a developer. Thank you Codefactory,thank you trainers and I am excited to start my new career and future in IT now ?
Iris Demer on Google

Best decision for those who want to get out what they put in! I am a Backend (7 weeks) graduate and I had no previous skills or knowledge before Codefactory. From the beginning it was clear that the learning needs to be done by students themselves if they really want to become successful in this new career. But anytime I needed help, the trainers were there immediately and helped and explained so I never got stuck or frustrated. I learned much more than I imagined in the beginning
CaptTogoK on Google

I did the Full Stack course and can recommend it. You get a good solid basic education in important front and back end technologies. You also get hear lunch talks from experienced web developers. Competent trainers, hands on mentality and a fair price.
Marina Dusic on Google

A big thank you to Codefactory and the trainers there! Finished my course last December after 4 months and could not be happier with my decision. Definitely an intense and demanding experience, so my tip for everyone interested: really take the 4 months to learn programming and focus on it! It will pay off, but it is intense. All the trainers and the administration were always there to help when I had questions, sometimes even on weekends. I met the company where I now work from the lunchspeakers we had every week! :D
Andrew Gorman on Google

Code Factory's Full-Stack intensive course runs for 15 weeks in English and offers a clear streamlined route in to multiple Front-End and Back-end technologies. During the course you have the chance to complete various tasks of assorted difficulty-levels allowing you to move at a pace suitable to your needs. The course moves at a challenging but not uncomfortable pace and the trainers are readily available to assist in a clear and professional manner during working hours. In Europe the course perhaps classifies as being on the pricey side but compared to bootcamps in English-speaking countries it is a very good deal. As an English native speaker living in Vienna I can strongly recommend taking the course!

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