Burgruine Kollmitz - Ruine Kollmitz

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Burgruine Kollmitz

Address :

Ruine Kollmitz, 3820 Raabs an der Thaya, Austria

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 3820
Website : http://www.kollmitz.at/
Categories :

Ruine Kollmitz, 3820 Raabs an der Thaya, Austria
Thomas Hanko on Google

Zählt zu meinen liebsten Ausflugszielen. Nettes Personal und gute Verpflegung in der Jausenstation.
One of my favorite excursion destinations. Nice staff and good food in the snack station.
Michael Schmied on Google

Sehr tolle Burgruine mitten in der Ortschaft. Die Ruine ist mit dem Auto sehr gut erreichbar, sofern davor genügen Parkplätze vorhanden sind. Ansonsten muss man das Auto in der Ortschaft abstellen und etwas zu Fuß gehen. Der Eintritt in der Ruine ist umsonst und man kann sich sehr gut frei bewegen. Es gibt hier sogar die Möglichkeit für essen und trinken. Der Ausblick ist wirklich sehenswert und es bestehst sogar die Möglichkeit an zwei der Türme ganz hinauf zu gehen. Also wenn man in der Nähe ist sollte man hier unbedingt vorbei schauen. Der Ausblick und die kleine Zeitreise in die damalige Epoche hinterlassen einen tollen Eindruck
Very great castle ruins in the middle of the village. The ruin is easily accessible by car, provided that there is enough parking space in front of it. Otherwise you have to park your car in the village and walk a bit. Entry to the ruin is free and you can move around freely. There is even the possibility to eat and drink here. The view is really worth seeing and there is even the possibility to go up to two of the towers. So if you are nearby you should definitely stop by here. The view and the little journey back in time to the time leave a great impression
Jarmila Boudová on Google

Úžasná zřícenina hradu. Po zaplacení prohlídky dostanete klíče od věží a plánek hradu. Procházíte sami. Super zážitek. ?
Amazing castle ruins. After paying for the tour, you will receive the keys to the towers and a plan of the castle. You walk alone. Great experience. ?
Dominik Sulzer on Google

Hezké místo. Parkování je možné přímo před vraty do zříceniny, dokonce vás i tam dovedou i značky. Nicméně nahoře je tak 10 parkovacích míst, dost natěsno se tam dá otočit, a silnice nahoru je prudká. Doporučuji zaparkovat u řeky na protějším břehu, je to jistější než se pak blbě otáčet a vracet. Vstup na dospělého jsou 2 eura. Ale asi se dá projít I zdarma, moc to nekontrolují. Velká výhoda je, že většina popisných tabulek je i v češtině. Muzeum bohužel jen v němčině. Prohlídka se dá stihnout tak do půl hodiny. Také tu jsou toalety a občerstvení.
Nice place. Parking is possible right in front of the gate to the ruins, even there you will be guided by signs. However, there are about 10 parking spaces upstairs, you can turn around quite tightly, and the road up is steep. I recommend parking by the river on the opposite bank, it's safer than turning around and coming back. Admission per adult is 2 euros. But you can probably walk for free, they don't control it much. The big advantage is that most of the descriptive tables are also in Czech. Unfortunately, the museum is only in German. The tour can be completed within half an hour. There are also toilets and refreshments.
Pam Pannagl on Google

Awesome big place to explore and beautiful views. Don't forget to ask for the tower keys at the pub before climbing up there, the doors are locked, but the signs are only at the locked doors I think, didn't see them anywhere else.
Stepan Hradecky on Google

Beautiful preserved ruins just few kilometres from another castle Raabs. The ruin is located on a beautiful rocky promontory on the Dyje (Thaya) River overlooking the town Kollmitzdorfl. It is possible to climb both towers.
CalantheCintra on Google

Absolutely stunning Ruine. You can get up to the both towers to enjoy breathtaking view. Dog friendly, you can get some delicious refreshments for a good price.
Roxanne Schmidt on Google

Very nice castle ruins located in a rather remote area, that offer adventurous walks and outlooks or the surroundings. Some of the ascending or descending stairs are steep and might get slippery during bad weather, so be sure to bring good shoes. Definitely worth seeing with children, but be careful they don't slip. The highest tower can be climbed by lending a key from the shop. Small snacks can be bought there too.

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