Brüder Unterweger - Thal-Aue 13

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Brüder Unterweger

Address :

Thal-Aue 13, 9911 Thal-Aue, Austria

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 9911
Website :
Categories :
City : Thal Aue

Thal-Aue 13, 9911 Thal-Aue, Austria
Suncana Steiner on Google

Puno prirodnih kozmetickih proizvoda,krema, etericnih ulja, proizvoda za njegu tijela. Iz tvornicu nalazi se Welnes park na otvorenom, Vitalpinum gdje se mogu kupiti i proizvodi. Isprobano
Lots of natural cosmetics, creams, essential oils, body care products. From the factory is Welnes Outdoor Park, Vitalpinum where products can be purchased. Tried
Kolja Henckel on Google

Sehr gemütlicher Garten. Barfusspfad, Kinderspielplatz, destillerie, shop, Kräuterweg
Very cozy garden. Barefoot path, children's playground, destillerie, shop, herb path
Nicole Rückenbach on Google

So schick alles für die Kundschaft ist, so mickrig ist der Platz für jene, die Rohstoffe und Material anliefern. Hier wurde richtig Platz gespart. In der kleinen Ausbuchtung für große LKWs zum wenden, steht ihr kleiner Anhänger. Wenn mehrere große LKWs zugleich kommen, folgt der Kollaps. Es besteht auch keine Parkmöglichkeit an der Strasse, deshalb fahren auch alle einfach auf den Platz. Rückwärts mit einem Sattelzug auf eine viel befahrene Strasse zu schieben, war auch keine Hilfreiche Idee von ihrem Personal. Auch ist die extreme Schräglage des Platzes zum entladen mit einem Hubwagen, für keinen Fahrer Gesundheitsfördernd. Personal war aber sehr nett und freundlich!
As chic as everything is for the customers, the space for those who deliver raw materials and materials is meager. Real space was saved here. In the small bulge for large trucks to turn around, there is your small trailer. If several large trucks come at the same time, the collapse follows. There is also no parking on the street, so everyone simply drives to the square. Pushing backwards with a semitrailer on a busy street was also not a helpful idea from your staff. The extreme inclination of the place for unloading with a pallet truck is also not beneficial to the health of any driver. But staff was very nice and friendly!
Gianmaria Durastante on Google

Una bella esperienza per vedere come viene prodotto l'olio essenziale usato per prodotti erboristici. All'interno è presente un percorso Kneipp carino più varie curiosità sulla zona e sui loro metodi produttivi. Un bel posticino per rilassarsi peccato che facciano pagare 5 euro di ingresso che sinceramente sono un po' tanti per quello che offre.
A nice experience to see how the essential oil used for herbal products is produced. Inside there is a cute Kneipp path plus various curiosities about the area and their production methods. A nice little place to relax, it's a pity that they charge 5 euros for admission, which honestly is a bit high for what it offers.
Sascha G. on Google

Eine Erfahrung für sich. Mann kommt in einen sehr einladenden, offenenVerkaufsraum! Sämtliche Produkte sind hier angeführt und man kann auch gerne probieren. Es sind "Tester" aufgestellt. Eine nette und kompetente Dame hat uns beraten und ist uns mit Tipps zur Seite gestanden! Danke!!
An experience in itself. You come into a very inviting, open sales room! All products are listed here and you are welcome to try them. "Testers" are set up. A nice and competent lady advised us and stood by us with tips! Thank you!!
Alessandra Barucchieri on Google

Un posto veramente speciale. Oltre al negozio dove vengono venduti all'origine prodotti a base di pino mugo e di altre piante alpine, è possibile fare un percorso sensoriale veramente particolare. Dal percorso a pieni nudi in vasche di erbe varie, alla visita ad un esempio di distilleria di olio di pino mugo, alla "doccia" di microscopiche gocce di oli essenziali, alla zone di "musica" sull'acqua e zona di relax, fino al bar olfattivo dove si possono odorare essenze varie. Il tutto all'aperto. I prodotti non costano molto probabilmente perché prodotti all'origine.
A truly special place. In addition to the shop where products based on mountain pine and other alpine plants are originally sold, it is possible to make a very particular sensorial journey. From the full-bodied journey in various herb tubs, to the visit to an example of a mountain pine oil distillery, to the "shower" of microscopic drops of essential oils, to the "music" areas on the water and relaxation area, up to at the olfactory bar where various essences can be smelled. All outdoors. The products are not very likely because they are produced at the origin.
Travis Garrett on Google

Very interesting place. The gardens and kids are were very well maintained.
Alfons Unterweger on Google

Very good place to buy domestic oils and special products for well beeing. There is also a garden where you can walk barefoot and experience the local herbs and products.

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