Branko Radicevic - SPOMEN PLOCA

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Contact Branko Radicevic - SPOMEN PLOCA

Address :

Schlösselgasse 12, 1080 Wien, Austria

Categories :
City : Wien

Schlösselgasse 12, 1080 Wien, Austria
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Pored Laze Kostica jedan od najznacajnijih Srpskih pesnika iz peroida romantizma. (u nastavku su stihovi najpoznatije Brankove pesme) Kad mlidijah umreti Lisje žuti veće po drveću, Lisje žuti dole veće pada, Zelenoga više ja nikada Videt' neću! Glava klonu, lice potavnilo, Bolovanje oko mi popilo, Ruka lomna, telo izmoždeno, A kleca mi slabačko koleno! Dođe doba da idem u groba. Zbogom žitku, moj prelepi sanče! Zbogom zoro, zbogom, beli danče! Zbogom, svete, nekadanji raju. — Ja sad moram drugom ići kraju! O, da te tako ja ne ljubljah žarko, Još bih gledo tvoje sunce jarko, — Slušo groma, slušao oluju, Čudio se tvojemu slavuju, tvojoj reci i tvojem izvoru, — Mog života vir je na uviru! O, pesme moje, jadna siročadi, Deco mila mojih leta mladi'! Htedoh dugu da sa neba svučem, Dugom šarnom da sve vas obučem, Da nakitim sjajnijem zvezdama, Da obasjam sunčanim lučama ... Duga bila, pa se izgubila, zvezde sjale, pa su i presjale, A sunašce ono ogrijalo I ono je sa neba mi palo! Sve nestade što vam dati spravlja' — U traljama otac vas ostavlja.
Besides Laza Kostica, one of the most important Serbian poets from the period of romanticism. (Below are the verses of Branko's most famous song) When I died Yellow leaves larger on trees, The yellow leaves down fall more, Green never me again I won't see! The head of the clone, the face sunken, My sore eye drank, The arm is broken, the body is bruised, And my weak knee is kneeling! The time has come for me to go to the grave. Goodbye wheat, my beautiful sleigh! Goodbye dawn, goodbye, white dance! Goodbye, holy, former paradise. - I have to go to the end now! Oh, that I didn't love you so much, I would still look at your bright sun, - Listen to the thunder, listen to the storm, I marveled at your glory, to your word and to your source, - The whirlpool of my life is at stake! Oh, my songs, poor orphans, Dear children of my young years'! I wanted to take off the rainbow from the sky, Long rainbow to dress you all, To adorn with brighter stars, To shine with sunshine ... It was long, so it got lost, the stars shone, so they shone, And the sun was warming it And it fell from the sky! Everything that gives you gadgets is gone '- In the slums, your father leaves you.

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