Betonboden Wien - Uniconcreto - Stumpergasse 6

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Betonboden Wien - Uniconcreto

Address :

Stumpergasse 6, 1060 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +899
Postal code : 1060
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Categories :
City : Wien

Stumpergasse 6, 1060 Wien, Austria
Stefanie Doppler on Google

Beratung ist sehr gut, Schauraum ist Ein kleiner Traum, Reklamationen sind kein Problem, im Vergleich etwas teuer.
Advice is very good, showroom is a small dream, complaints are not a problem, in comparison a bit expensive.
Markus Salzbrunn on Google

70 qm Betonboden. Ich bin mit dem Service, der Handwerklichen Fähigkeit und Qualität höchst zufrieden. Toller Bauherr und kreativer Kopf.
70 sqm concrete floor. I am highly satisfied with the service, the craftsmanship and the quality. Great builder and creative mind.
Thomas Bruckberger on Google

Sehr gute Beratung, war sehr zufrieden. Kompetent, höflich und gut organisiert. Pünktliche Lieferung und schnelle saubere Arbeit. Sehr zu Empfehlen.
Very good advice, was very satisfied. Competent, polite and well organized. On-time delivery and fast, clean work. We recommend.
Marc Orel on Google

Professionelle Beratung, verlässliche Einhaltung von Terminen und akurate Arbeitsweise. Das Ergebnis, eine zementöse Bodenbeschichtung in Vorzimmer, Abstellraum, Küche und Bad, ist hervorragend geworden. Sehr zu empfehlen!
Professional advice, reliable adherence to deadlines and an accurate working method. The result, a cementitious floor coating in the anteroom, storage room, kitchen and bathroom, has turned out to be excellent. We recommend!
MaB N on Google

Sehr gute Erfahrungen und sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis. Nachdem wir von einer anderen Firma „desillusioniert“ wurden und mit einem völlig verpfuschten Boden- und Wandbelag dagestanden sind, hat uns Uniconcreto doch noch zu einem sorgfältig und ansehnlich ausgeführten Badezimmer geholfen. Da wir durch die schlechten Erfahrungen mit dem anderen Handwerker sehr skeptisch geworden sind, haben wir vor der Auftragserteilung an Uniconcreto noch verschiedene Referenz-Kunden persönlich kontaktiert, die alle zufrieden waren. Und auch wir wurden nicht enttäuscht. Definitiv empfehlenswert.
Very good experience and very satisfied with the result. After having been "disillusioned" by another company and left with a completely botched floor and wall covering, Uniconcreto has helped us to build a carefully and attractively designed bathroom. Since we have become very skeptical due to the bad experience with the other craftsman, we have contacted before the contract to Uniconcreto still several reference customers personally, which were all satisfied. And we were not disappointed. Definitely recommended.
Lena Kvadrat on Google

Wir arbeiten seit 2014 mit Uniconcreto zusammen und sind mit der Qualität sehr zufrieden. Der Inhaber der Firma, Herr Scribani, zeichnet sich nicht nur durch absolute Verlässlichkeit in der Planung und Umsetzung aus, sondern auch durch einen äußerst kreativen Zugang, wenn es um unkonventionelle Anforderungen geht (betonbeschichtete horizontale und vertikale Oberflächen auf Möbelstücken, Wänden, Treppen etc.). Interessenten können sich davon gerne in unserem art point Concept Store (Neubaugasse 35, 1070 Wien) überzeugen.
We have been working with Uniconcreto since 2014 and are very satisfied with the quality. The owner of the company, Mr. Scribani, is characterized not only by absolute reliability in the planning and implementation, but also by an extremely creative approach when it comes to unconventional requirements (concrete-coated horizontal and vertical surfaces on furniture, walls, stairs, etc.). ). Interested parties are welcome to see it in our art point Concept Store (Neubaugasse 35, 1070 Vienna).
Francesco B on Google

I hired Uniconcreto during the renovation of my apartment to apply a layer of concrete-looking resin to more than 40 square meters of surface in the kitchen and bathroom. The result matches 100% my expectations. They used only top grade materials, and the execution was professional and practically perfect. I was kept constantly informed about the work´s state of advancement and any problem which might have arise has been solved promptly. I have recommended Uniconcreto to several acquaintances and everyone was really satisfied with their services.
Florian Gstir on Google

I did some research in 2019 about potential suppliers for the surface of my house project. Mr Scribani convinced me with his dedication to his work. In the course of the year 2020 we had several exchanges and meetings for details and also arranged the start of the work according to the overall project plan. In autumn 2020 I was in the happy position that my overall project plan was still met and I met Mr. Scribani to sort out the color in the house. This meeting ended - after successfully picking the color - in a disaster. The reason was that Uniconcreto announced to delay the start of work by several weeks. As there are other companies scheduled afterwards and my whole family relocation is affected I expected more sensitivity form Mr Scribani. Of course I see that things can get out of plan and I have to adapt. But in this case I simply got angry by the sheer fact that there was not even an apology and the formerly agreed start was neglected. Luckily I could find a good substitute who stepped. I would still recommend the work of Uniconcreto but advise to have a very good, very frequent, verbal&written communication not to be taken by surprise.

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