ArchäoNOW - Rätselrallye und Schnitzeljagd Wien - Spiegelgasse 23

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact ArchäoNOW - Rätselrallye und Schnitzeljagd Wien

Address :

Spiegelgasse 23, 1010 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 1010
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City : Wien

Spiegelgasse 23, 1010 Wien, Austria
Claudia Schlegel on Google

Tolles Erlebnis und der perfekte Weg, Wiens Innenstadt zu entdecken. Die Rätsel waren herausfordernd aber spannend und die persönliche Betreuung macht das Angebot absolut aus. Ich würde ArchäoNow jederzeit empfehlen. Wir haben die Wien Highlights und Kaffeehauskultur Tour zu zweit gemacht.
Great experience and the perfect way to discover Vienna's city center. The puzzles were challenging but exciting and the personal support is what really makes the offer. I would recommend ArchäoNow anytime. We did the Vienna Highlights and Coffee House Culture Tour for two.
Markus Edelbacher on Google

ArchäoNOW 2x mal gemacht. Einfach spitze! Von der Eigentümerin bis zur Tourguide alles tolle Leute. Super recherchiert, kurzweilig und macht einfach Spaß. Jederzeit wieder! Weiter so!
ArchaeoNOW done twice. Just great! From the owner to the tour guide, all great people. Well researched, entertaining and just plain fun. Any time! Keep it up!
Stefanie Novak on Google

Wir hatten eine ganz tolle Schnitzeljagd und lernten viel Neues kennen, obwohl wir "Einheimische" sind. Die Betreuung durch Sarah war perfekt, vielen Dank! Wir können jedem nur ans Herz legen, besonders denjenigen, die auf der Suche nach einem tollen Teenager Programm sind.
We had a really great scavenger hunt and got to know a lot of new things, even though we are "locals". Sarah's support was perfect, thank you very much! We highly recommend everyone, especially those looking for a great teen program.
Manuel Celeda on Google

Wir haben im Rahmen einer Firmenfeier die Mission "Schaurige Stadt" in zwei Teams gegeneinander gespielt und hatten einen sehr unterhaltsamen und spannenden Nachmittag. Unsere Spielleitung (Anna) hat uns beim Treffpunkt alles ausführlich erklärt und sich toll um die Gruppe gekümmert. Wir werden sicherlich auch die anderen Spiele ausprobieren und freuen uns schon darauf!
As part of a company party, we played the "Scary City" mission against each other in two teams and had a very entertaining and exciting afternoon. Our leader (Anna) explained everything to us in detail at the meeting point and took great care of the group. We will certainly try the other games and are looking forward to it!
Storm of Steel Wargaming on Google

Excellent fun and very well thought out tours of Vienna, highlighting places and information that you normally might miss or not know about! Really well recommended for someone new to the city!
David on Google

Whilst researching our first Vienna trip for our students, we came across ArchaeoNOW which was very unique experience compared to the rest of the tours we were considering, and I have to say we are extremely relived that we went with them. Our biggest fear was that the children would be bored with standard city tours and that is why we decided to go with ArchaeoNOW. Our students had so much fun on the adventure games (so did our staff I might add) whilst also having an educational experience at the same time. I really do believe this was a great way for kids and adults to explore a city’s history and its secrets. I really look forward to organising our next group of students to visit Vienna with ArchaeoNOW. Highly recommended. David Primrose Guardians Limited
Markus Stadlmann on Google

I am building on the accolades already supplied by others but, at least, I do it in English language. We did a birthday tour of our eleven year old son with ArchäoNOW (the Magical Vienna theme). He enjoyed it, his friends loved it and we thought it was a great concept from start to finish. There you have it.
Marcin B on Google

Everything was organized very well. Professional Team, good explanation in English. We were a group of 25 people and everybody enjoyed this activity a lot as it allowed them to see Vienna from a different perspective and learn the history. We can recommend ArchäoNOW for company events and team buildings.

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