Wolfgangsee Tourismus, Büro Strobl

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Wolfgangsee Tourismus, Büro Strobl

Address :

Moosgasse 2, 5350 Strobl, Austria

Phone : 📞 +778
Website : http://wolfgangsee.salzkammergut.at/
Categories :
City : Strobl

Moosgasse 2, 5350 Strobl, Austria
Susanne Rogel on Google

Als ratsuchender Gast wird man hier in der Tourismusinfo wie ein lästiger Eindringling behandelt. Schade, sonst ist Strobl aber sehr nett.
As a guest looking for advice you will be treated like an annoying intruder here in the tourist information office. It's a shame, otherwise Strobl is very nice.
Beck on Google

奧地利西部大多是講德語, 德語see指"湖"的意思, hotel也很多取名see hotel, 所以住在湖邊的小孩叫什麼?叫see child, 就是台語"死囝仔"的意思
Most of the western part of Austria speaks German, German refers to the meaning of "lake", and the hotel is also famous for see hotel, so what is the name of the child living by the lake? Called see child, is the meaning of the Taiwanese word "dead 囝仔"
Beate Wagenknecht on Google

Samstag, 26.05.2018, 12 Uhr Beim Besuch der Touristeninformation Strobl wurden wir von einer ziemlich unfreundlichen Angestellten mit diversen Fehlinformationen versorgt. Die Dame ist dort irgendwie fehl am Platz, da sie sich in der Gegend offensichtlich weniger gut auskennt als die meisten Wochenendtouristen. Anstatt dies einzugestehen, gibt sie falsche Informationen weiter um die Leute möglichst schnell wieder loszuwerden. No go!
Saturday, May 26th, 2018, 12 noon When visiting the Strobl tourist information office, we were provided with various misinformation by a rather unfriendly employee. The lady is kind of out of place there as she is obviously less familiar with the area than most weekend tourists. Instead of admitting this, she passes on false information to get people rid of it as quickly as possible. No go!
한타미 on Google

너무 친절하시고 페리 시간도 잘알려주세요!! 버스시간도 다 알려주시고.... 맥주도 판매하는데 시원하고 맛도 괜찮았습니다!!! 처음에 거품 넘쳐서 미안하다고 새로운거 다시 주시고, 실수로 물건 하나 두고 가서 급하게 전화하니까 빠르게 체크해주시고 퇴근시간 지났는데도 찾으러 올때까지 맡아주셨어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
So kind and please let me know ferry time !! Please let me know the bus time. Cool and good taste !!! I'm sorry I overflowed with bubbles at first I accidentally left an object and called urgently Check it out quickly and I've been in charge until I came to find you after work.
Hanswurst der Heilige on Google

Ich hab erst selten soviele Fahrradverbotsschilder wie hier in Strobl gesehen. Typisch Österreich. Lieber in Deutschland bleiben oder gleich nach Italien fahren, dort darf man auch Radfahren und schöner ist es auch. Dort gibt man gerne sein Geld aus, in Strobl schmerzt jeder Cent den ich investiert habe. Am Liebsten würde ich Minussterne für diese Region vergeben.
I have seldom seen as many no bicycle signs as here in Strobl. Typical Austria. If you prefer to stay in Germany or drive straight to Italy, you are also allowed to cycle there and it is also nicer. There they like to spend their money, in Strobl hurts every penny I have invested. I would like to award minus stars for this region.
Dirk Kuijpers on Google

Klein maar net kantoor. Salzkammergut card gehaald voor 3,90 per volwassene. Kinderen gratis en geldig gedurende hele vakantie. Daarmee korting bij vele attracties.
Small but neat office. Salzkammergut card obtained for 3.90 per adult. Children free and valid throughout the holiday. Discounts at many attractions.
Edison Lin on Google

奧地利 施特羅布爾 這是個容易被遊客忽略的小鎮, 也是位於沃夫岡湖的岸邊, 沒有太多東西可看, 但是個能放鬆心情散步的好地方.
Strobl, Austria This is a small town that is easily overlooked by tourists. It is also located on the shore of Lake Wolfgang. There is not much to see, but a good place to relax and take a walk.
Peter Lev on Google

Great Information, very helpful Staff

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