Wedding Photographer in Vienna — Sergio Mazurini - Piaristengasse 54/4

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Contact Wedding Photographer in Vienna — Sergio Mazurini

Address :

Piaristengasse 54/4, 1080 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +89
Postal code : 1080
Website :
Categories :
City : Wien

Piaristengasse 54/4, 1080 Wien, Austria
Kateryna Shymoniak on Google

Якщо мене спитають, хто найкращий фотограф, якого я коли-небудь зустрічала, я з певністю відповім - Sergio Mazurini! Ми познайомились шість років тому, коли тривала наша підготовка до весілля в Римі! Я випадково побачила фотографії, які зробив Сергій, і зрозуміла, що саме він має бути нашим весільним фотографом! І ми не помилились у цьому виборі! Для мене найважливіше було те, що Sergio, як ніхто інший, уміє відчувати людей і речі навколо. Він має своє особливе бачення навколишнього світу і здатен упіймати момент, який ти вже не забудеш ніколи! Фотографії, зроблені ним п‘ять років тому на нашому весіллі в Римі, просто неймовірні! Я з насолодою переглядаю їх багато разів і відчуваю день той день так, ніби все відбулось учора! Крім того, що він професіонал своєї справи, який кожного дня розвивається з шаленими темпами, він ще й суперпозитивна людина та прекрасний друг. Усі важливі моменти нашого життя - весілля, моя вагітність, хрещення донечки та звичайні фотосесії - на фотографіях, зроблених Сергійком! Навіть зараз, коли ми живемо в Америці, можу точно сказати, що він один з найкращих у своїй сфері!
If I am asked who is the best photographer I have ever met, I will answer with certainty - Sergio Mazurini! We met six years ago when we were preparing for a wedding in Rome! I accidentally saw the photos taken by Sergei, and realized that he should be our wedding photographer! And we were not wrong in this choice! The most important thing for me was that Sergio, like no other, can feel the people and things around. He has his own special vision of the world around him and is able to capture a moment that you will never forget! The photos he took five years ago at our wedding in Rome are just incredible! I enjoy watching them many times and feel that day as if everything happened yesterday! In addition to being a professional who develops at a breakneck pace every day, he is also a super positive person and a great friend. All the important moments of our lives - the wedding, my pregnancy, my daughter's baptism and the usual photo shoots - in the photos taken by Serhiy! Even now, when we live in America, I can say for sure that he is one of the best in his field!
Ambrela Ambrela on Google

Amazing top professional photographer who always do everything with perfect result and great mood!
Christian Rythmique on Google

Staging the photo when it's impossible because of the chaos or inactivity of the characters, doing it with some special humor, deep penetration in the shooting subject and paying attention to the details. This is Sergio. Thank you for your superb work! Keep it up!
Максим on Google

We searched a wedding photographer in Vienna for yourself. Sergey was recommended to us by our friends whom he had already shot the wedding. Work was very pleased. Thank you so much for shooting.
Vladka Podvich on Google

We chose Segio Mazurini as our wedding photographer as one of the best of the best and we were totally happy with our decision. We received more than just photos. He saved our wedding story with every detail, emotion and glance. His professional approach to the photography, artistic sight on wedding and attention to important emotions made the photos from our wedding a pure treasure for our family. We also had after wedding photo shoot and this adventure we will never forget. It's been 7 years ago and these photos are still relevant and making us feeling those awesome emotions, happiness and bliss again. Thank you, Sergio!
Ваня Дубас on Google

The first thing, what we have done during preparing our special wedding day, was ordering the best photograph in our common opinion. It was important to us to find "our" photograph, which could "feel" us as a couple during the wedding day. Sergio is REAL professional! He is kind and social. The most important that he could provide in pictures mood of the wedding day, our feelings, happiness and love. Also, he gave enough attention to everyone on our wedding day! We got a lot of pictures and every picture presents a part of the whole "picture of the day". We definitely recommend Sergio and wish him all the best!
Sharon Dana on Google

We had such a great time with Sergio and his team. We could not think of any better photographer on our wedding day. Sergio was kind, supportive, patient and in all ways a professional. Even though he lives in a different country, communication was easy and he always took the time for us to meet whenever he was nearby. And of course his photos are the icing of the cake - Sergio has a talent to catch memorable moments in a beautifully artisty way. We love his photographic skills! Keep up the great work, Sergio!!
Julia Foseteder on Google

very talented photographer. Sergio was always in a good mood and all our wedding guests are still talking about our nice photographer. We could not think of any better photographer on our wedding day. He caught so many good memories of our wedding - we love his pictures. We received all of our pictures in time and as agreed.

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